27. Do Me a Favor

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A\N: THIS TOOK FOREVER and sorry not sorry it is ridiculously long. Like a bit over 7K words but this chapter is a major turning point in the plot from here on out and it was warranted! This took HOURS of work to finish but what is left is a labor of love and what might be my favorite chapter written so far. I think you're really going to like it. Please please let me know what you think <3 I love you all and I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.

 The following morning Cat comes by early with coffee for the boys. She lets herself in with Alex's key he'd lent her, unsure if the two would be up yet or not. They weren't, no surprise there. The double doors to the bedroom had been left open and she could see one of Alex's socked feet ( why he slept with socks on she would never understand, sometimes she thinks it because he's to lazy to remove them.) dangling out from under the blanket at the foot of the bed. She moves a little closer, tip toeing as not to wake the sleeping duo. She just wants to watch for a moment.

Miles had got his head rested on Alex's chest, laying on the side opposite his stitches which he'd quickly learned was the only comfortable way to sleep. Alex is on his back with his arm around Miles' loosely, even in his sleeping state he's made and effort not to brush up against Miles wounds. It's a good thing for Miles that Alex tends to be a very still sleeper. Cat pulls out her phone to snap a photo of the two snoozing but then notices Alex's phone on the dresser by the door. She grabs it instead, making sure to turn the sound off, as not to wake them, and takes the picture. She then sends it to herself and also sets it as his lock screen. She then takes the phone and sets it on the counter in the kitchen next to the coffee and scratches a quick note for the two before letting herself out figuring it best to let them sleep.

When Alex wakes up a short time later he notices that they're still alone. He finds it odd because Cat is normally an early riser and it's already nearly 9 o clock. He tries to move himself away from Miles without waking him but his efforts are in vain. " Nooo, 5 more minutes Al." He whines. It's been a while since Miles has gotten any decent sleep. He knows once he's concious again that he's going to have to deal with the pain again.

"Sssh, you stay here I'm going to go get your meds and some water ok love?" Alex says slipping out of bed. Miles huffs but doesn't protest any further. Now that he's awake he's going to need that medication sooner rather then later.

Alex grabs Miles pills out of the bathroom and then walks to the kitchen to get a cup of water. It's then that he sees the two cups of coffee one labeled ' Miles' and the other 'Alex' with little hearts drawn around their names in pen. Also next to it is a quickly scrawled note.

' Didn't want to wake you so I figured I'd just leave these. Heading to the dance studio a bit early today. I'll call you when I leave there.

Al- I love you

Miles- I hope you feel better.

You boys stay out of trouble today ;)



P.S. Alex why do you sleep with socks on? It's weird. Miles would you please tell him that it's weird.

P.P.S Alex check your phone'

Alex smiles, picking up his phone and hitting the home button only to see a photo of him and Miles sleeping peacefully. Cat must have taken it, it makes his heart swell seeing how perfect they look cuddled up in each others arms.

"Al? Did you fall into the sink? Where'd you go?" Miles called from the bedroom. It's been 5 minutes and already he feels like death warmed over. Alex Smiles to himself grabbing his phone along with the coffees and Miles pills and walks back into the bedroom.

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