56. Love Is a Laserquest

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A/N: I FINISHED! IT'S FINALLY DONE! let the final 3 days of Aviation begin! Next Chapter will be posted tomorrow ( but knowing me I'll get over excited and end up posting it before it's been a full 24 hours oh well) Gear up and get your helmets it's going to be one hell of a bumpy ride.  

Also, I would like to say HAPPY 5 MONTH ANNIVERSARY to my wonderful miracleofmilex.  Nastya is seriously the greatest and I love her to pieces like you don't even understand  <3 Technically our anniversary was yesterday but this was also supposed to be done yesterday so betteer late than never :P 

Sooooo I hope you all like it!  At least this one I think you'll like this one but the jury is till out on the next two. Guess we'll find out soon. In the mean time I'm going to go sit in my bathtub and cry.  Partically about the monster I've created and partly cause I woke up this morning covered in random hives ( lol please kill me D:) Anyways, let me know what you think. I hope all of you all  like it. I love each and every one of you lovely sparkling unicorns <333

  After her conversation with Miles on Halloween Eva ends up sticking around for the rest of the week. Owen, on the other hand, is out the door before anyone else wakes up the following morning. Originally his travel plans had been for the following evening. That had been to ensure that if need be then they would have an extra day to work in the studio before he left. However, the record was finished and there was obviously no need for him to stick around any longer after the altercation the evening before. By the time people started to stir in the house he was already in the air, having rebooked his ticket onto and earlier flight. When they found he'd already split neither Miles nor Alex was particularly sad to see him go.

When he arrives on the ground back home his depressed mood is momentarily lifted when he sees the sight of a familiar car waiting at arrivals. A small smile begins to crack across his stubbled and defeated face. "Hey there stranger, looks like someone is home early," Patrick said as Owen got in the car.

"Yeah, but how did you know? I was going to take a cab home and surprise you." Owen said. Surprise him, that was the story that he was going to stick with.

"Our computer gets desktop notifications from your email remember? I saw something come up about the itinerary switch." Patrick said.

" I didn't even think of that." Owen faked a laugh, putting his bags in the back seat before getting into the passenger side.

"So you want to tell me why you were changing flights around at 11:00 last night? I thought you were going to be out with Alex and Miles!" Patrick isn't a stupid man, and he's been with Owen long enough to be able to tell when something is the matter.

"I tried to do something nice for Miles and it caused a huge fight." Owen sighed.

"Were you really? Or were you trying to toy with him?" Patrick asked. Owen's silence is all he needs in reply. "You need to stop. I thought you were over these silly habits. People aren't pawns love. This isn't one or your games."

"I really thought it was going to help him! Miles and I had been talking the other night and he was telling me about this woman named Eva that he used to be in a band with. They had been really close friends when they were younger. For reason's he didn't tell me at the time the two of them stopped speaking a few years back. He just seemed so sad! He's going through a hard time with Alex right now. Alex is supposed to be getting married next week, they're all nervous as hell about the wedding and it's been putting a lot of stress on them. They've been fighting with each other which... alright I might have caused some of that but at least I tried to give them a common enemy so that they would stop going at each other." Owen sighed looking out the window.

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