9. Vertigo

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A/N: turned out a little long again . Sorry,it took a couple of days. Thank you all for reading! you feedback is always appreciated. thanks! enjoy!

 Alex didn't bother taking his car from where it was parked outside. It would give him an excuse to come back and get it later. Additionally, the walk back home would give him time to clear his head. He needed to figure out what he was going to say to Cat. She had obviously been distressed when she left. He was likely to be on even thinner ice now as he hadn't left Miles to go after her. He decided to make a detour to the flower shop a couple of blocks over from their home. Flowers were a man's best friend when it came to apologizing. Lilies, they were Cat's favorite. He'd gotten them for her on their first date, a lucky guess on his part. The memories of that night had started to blur around the edges, details loosing their contrast like a fading photograph.

Alex and Cat had had met at a gig in San Francisco, She'd come as the guest of a mutual friend and watched them play stage side. Alex had been drawn to her like a moth is drawn to light. She'd been wearing a white shirt dress, top button undone, with a belt around the middle and a wide brimmed straw hat to shield her face from the sun. She stood out from the hoard of hip young girls, trying to desperately to pull off cool. Cat had never been 'cool' in Alex's opinion. She didn't need to be. Cool sounded dry and too try-hard.  she was effortless, vibrant, a real stand out of a woman. She reminded him of old Hollywood, the starlets of days gone by. He'd been so transfixed on her that he'd managed to mess up several chords on Arabella, hoping desperately that the crowd wouldn't notice.

The way she'd sauntered over to him backstage after the show Alex could quickly feel himself becoming a hopeless addict already. She didn't have to say a word to him for him to miss his mouth with his beer bottle dribbling it down his chin, causing her to laugh.

"Hi, I'm Catalina. You played wonderfully tonight." She'd said.

"Thank you, miss Catalina. I'm-"

"Alex Turner." She said. " I'm familiar." The way his name rolled off her tongue so eloquently, He'd been a fool for her ever since.

He stood in front of their building, willing himself to open the door, to go inside. He needed to make this right but part of him knew if there was a chance to run it would be now. He couldn't run from her. He was a bigger man than that.

"Cat?" He called out to her as he walked through the entry way to their flat. He toed his shoes off leaving them by the door and looking for any sign of the brunette lioness. "Catalina!" He called out again.

"I'm in the shower." He heard a shout back. Right, that made sense. She'd been out running. Alex sighed, putting the flowers on the nightstand, sitting on the bed trying to piece together something that he could say when she came out. She comes into their bedroom a moment later. Hair and skin dripping, in nothing but a bra and panties. Alex is a weak man, unable to pull his eyes away from her. She took the towel that she'd been drying her hair with and threw it at him. " You just going to gawk or are you going to say something?" she asked, annoyed with a slight tremble in her voice.

" I'm sorry... I don't really know what to say." Alex admitted.

"I can't believe you defended him, Alex." Cat growled.

" 's instinct I guess. He's always defendin' me."

"Only because you let him. You let him fight your battles but you can't do that with me  Can you? No, you have to man the fuck up and handle it yourself." Cat snapped. " You know, most people would be pretty fucking happy if their fiance was going to allow them to keep seeing the person they're having an affair with. You know that's what this is right. I told you I'm alright with it as long as it's only Miles. Maybe it will get you over this weird fixation you have on him. It is, none the less, still cheating. You've been cheating on me Alex and I rolled with it. The least you could do is be on my side. " She said, looking around for clothes to put on.

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