44. My Mistakes Were Made For You

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  A\N: Sorry this took forever but it is very long. I should probably have broken this into two chapters but I couldn't find a good halfway point to split it so I left it intact. I have been waiting this ENTIRE fic to finally reach this chapter. By the time you finish it, you'll see why so that's all I'm going to say ;) I love all of you please let me know what you think <3

Having been thoroughly worn out by their very 'active' afternoon with Owen Alex slept most of the ride back to LA. He'd let his head lean on Miles' shoulder for just a minute to rest his eyes and didn't wake up until the car was pulling into the driveway of their home. "Alright, out you go," James told the threesome in the back seat. Owen was staying with Miles and Alex until his flight back to Toronto in two days. Zach and James however, since they both lived in the city were simply going home. They'd both been looking forward to a night in their own beds. James was more than ready for some peace and quiet.

Alex smiled stretching as they got out of the car. " Thanks, James."

"See you lads tomorrow then?" Miles asked. They had all agreed to a night out on the town to reward themselves for all their hard work.

"Yeah, meet you downtown around seven." Zach nodded and with that they went their separate ways.

"Kitten?" Alex shouted to see where she was when they entered the house. It's not Cat's voice that greets him in reply.

"She's not here right now!" It was Alexa! She was there early! She wasn't supposed to be there for another three days or so. What was she doing there? Little did Alex know Miles had asked Alexa to head their way a few days ahead of schedule. They would be leaving for Dubai in just a week's time and there was something Miles wanted to talk over with the two of them first. He wanted them to have more than their last few hurried days before getting on a plane to discuss it.

" ALEXA!" Alex went straight in the direction of her voice to go and hugged her. " You're here early! What are you doing here?" He asked. Miles was standing behind Alex giving Alexa frantic signals not to tell Alex that he'd asked her to come.

"Oh, you know. I just wanted to see you for a bit before I leave. Figured I needed my Alex fix before I have to go spend a month trapped with your spazz boyfriend." Alex joked.

"Hey, I resent that! Admit it you adore me and you're looking forward to being stranded with me." Miles said, wrapping an arm around Alex's waist. "Where's our Kitty Cat gotten to?" He asked.

"She went to go and pick up food. Figured you'd probably be hungry when you got back." Alexa said.

"Hungry and tired." Miles sighed. " This one slept the whole way home." He added kissing Alex's cheek causing the smaller boy to smile and turn around, pressing himself closer to Miles. The looming threat of their departures had him feeling rather clingy. Alexa noticed Alex rather sheepish reactions and the way he wrapped himself up in Miles more so than usual. Something must have changed between the time she'd last spoken to him and today.

"Is everything alright with you two?" She asked.

"More then ok we're-"

"Better than even." Alex finished. " I just don't want him to leave next week." Miles nodded sadly. The idea of being an entire month without Alex is distressing, to say the least. He won't be able to have any contact with him what so ever while they're in Dubai and the thought pains him more than anything physical he's ever sustained.

"You better watch what you wish for looks like he's going to cling to you like an overly affectionate Octopus for the next week." Alexa joked to try and lighten the mood.

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