24. Reckless Serenade

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A\N: Felt like after that last one I needed to get this out fast lol. Let me know what you think! 

 Alex has never been  as scared in his life as when he ran through the automatic doors to the ER, Alexa close on his heels. He bolted straight for the receptionist desk. " I'm looking for Miles Kane!  that's Kane with a  K. Is he alright? I need to know what's happened to him.?"

"What's your relationship to the patient?" the elderly receptionist asked, looking down over the top of her glasses at Alex and Alexa. Alexa had now latched herself onto Alex's  upper arm in an attempt to calm either herself or him, she wasn't sure yet. She would be devastated if anything happened to Miles and she wasn't a faction as close to him as Alex was.

"Partner," Alex admitted without hesitation. He doesn't care who knows at this point the only important thing is getting to Miles

"Married?" The woman asked, glancing back down at her paperwork.  Gray hair falling across her face. She didn't seem overly interested in Alex's answer or current predicament.

"Soon hopefully," Alex replied, fidgeting with his death ramps ring. He was hoping that since they both wore them he'd be able to convince them it was a symbol of their commitment. Maybe that would help.

" But you're not currently?" The woman asked. Alex's heart feels like it's collapsing in on itself.

"No," His head sags, averting his eyes to the floor from shame.

"I'm sorry, at this time I can't release any information to nonfamily members, but you're more than welcome to wait." The receptionist said gesturing to the waiting room.

"Please? PLEASE, I have to know what's going on, please! He's everything to me." Alex muttered, starting to tear up.

"Sir, it's policy I can only allow family to-"

"His only family is across the bleedin' ocean in Liverpool dammit! He's got no one here 'cept the two of us!" Alex yelled, gesturing between himself and Alexa.

"If you want to stay I'm going to need you to calm down." the receptionist said, unphased by his outburst. She probably gets them all day long.

"With all due respect ma'am, we've known Miles a very long time. He'd want us to know what's going on, especially Alex." Alexa tried. "They've been together since they were practically 19."  It's true in a way.

"I'm sorry, my hands are tied at least until he wakes up. Now please would you go take a seat there are other people waiting." the nurse said obviously a bit annoyed with them at this point. Alex is absolutely fuming, storming off into the waiting room. He spots Jason sitting in the corner reading a magazine and walks over, taking a seat in the plastic chair next to him.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked, pulling the newspaper from his hand.

"The Russians got to him. They're been trying to take down our men left and right recently. It's been all out war the past couple of months. I  Guess they saw Miles and thought he could be used as a bargaining chip because he's tied so closely to you and Catalina, therefore the big man himself would have to get involved." 

"So this isn't your handy work?" Alex asked he'd been a bit suspicious.

"Of course not! I would never harm any part of this family. It's my duty to protect you and those important to you that's why I'm here. I find it  insulting that you would insinuate otherwise." Jason confirms and something about it almost makes Alex feel slightly better "While you were with Alexa, Jackie had tabs on you two, so I decided it best for me to keep and eye on Miles. I do the same when you're with Cat." Jason explained.

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