19. The Mystery Man That's Been Unmasked

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A/N: Sorry this took a few days to get out. It was a lot of work to get it the way that I wanted it because we're starting to get to some serious turning points in this. That and I've been hella paranoid the past few days with a pregnancy scare that I found out this morning is so NOT A THINK. So I could breathe again and actually care about finishing this and not be freaking out hah! oh god, I've said too much. Anyways ENJOY let me know what you think. Feedback = life. When you let me know you're enjoying this it gives me the motivation to keep working on it <333

  "So what do we do now?" Matt asked sitting on the couch looking more and more distressed as she went through the files on both himself and Breana. " Mate My girl's about to have a baby, I can't have the Mafia following us around." He insisted. " Look even her prenatal doctors are listed in the file, some of this information is RECENT."

"I dunno, I'm sorry I got you all wrapped up in this mate." Alex sighed, taking a seat back on the floor amidst the pile of paper. " I never meant to cause anyone any trouble."

"A pretty girl is always trouble mate," Matt said, trying to lighten the mood at least a bit.

Miles sighed, sitting down on the floor next to Alex and putting his arm around him. He was unsure about how Alex would react to the gesture with Matt sitting right there but it didn't seem to bother him. " It's alright Al, You couldn't have known this was going to happen."

"I started dating the daughter of a Mafia boss, of COURSE, I knew something like this was going to happen eventually. I just... didn't think it would be like this. I thought it would affect just me, not everyone I love as well."

"This is something straight out of a movie Al," Matt said. " Have you told any of the others about their files yet?" Alex simply shook his head.

"I don't have a phone. I smashed it when I was fighting with Cat the other night."

" They're going to need to know." Matt sighed.

"I know, just... I need to figure out who is and isn't being followed at this point. I've only gotten through a couple of the Files. I'm trying not to actually read them, some of this stuff it's really not my business like Breana and Katie's files. It's not my place to know about their histories I just skimmed quick to look if there was anyone following them but not it's just Matt and Jamie." Alex said.

"Someone following me?" Miles asked.

" Dunno, you're folder isn't here. She must have it with her in New York seeing as she used it against us since she's been out there." Alex reached for his own files, the thickest of them and pulled out a photograph. " You see this man? His name is Jason Lawrence. He's the one that's been following me. I saw him when we were out in the woods when I ran off. He was down fishing in the river. I saw him there and went off the other direction that's how I ended up lost. I knew something had to be up, that's when I started to get suspicious that we were being followed. We were so far off the map how was it any coincidence that there was someone else around, especially in the place we'd been just the day before. The way he reacted it was obvious he hadn't meant for me to see him there." Alex Explained.

"I think I've seen him around a couple of times two when we've been out I think he was at the Mini Mansions show as well," Miles said.

" If this guy's been following us then why hasn't he outed us already? That would be the point wouldn't it?"

" I don't know but now that I know who he is and what he looks like I can talk to the police about getting him out of our hair, same with Matt and the others," Alex said.

"Do you really think that's a good idea, Alex?" Matt asked. "suddenly all of the spies tailing your friends and family get arrested at once, that doesn't look very good does it. They'd know it was you that called it in, especially if he knew you had these files."

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