17. She Does the Woods

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A/N: And now time for the spiral! I hope y'all like roller coasters cause from here on out we're on one. :D. Not to say there won't still be some lighter chapters but for a while coming up here the next handful will be pretty heavy now that we've crossed the halfway point. Anyways, enjoy! Any and all feed back is really appreciated. Also if we're not already then come be my friend on tumblr.  Auguistineblues.tumblr.com. Talk to me I get Lonely <3

  " Why did you do this to me. Why did you try to drive this thing in between us. What Miles did was fucked up but he told me the truth! What you did...WHY?! Why would you want me to know about that did you want to hurt me Catalina was that your plan because it fucking worked." Alex yelled into his phone. After Alex had mentioned that Miles had indeed delete the text without his knowledge she was feeling less than confident about what she had done.

"YES! I WANTED TO HURT YOU! But I thought you hurt me first I was being-"

" A fucking bitch? Cat I love you, you know I adore you with all my being and the fact that you distrust that. The fact that you would dig up things on Miles with the intent of hurting me... why would you even... Fuck I feel like I don't even know you anymore knowing you would do this to me. To US. You are JUST like your family how could, how could you..."

The last thing that Cat even wanted to hear was Alex crying on the other end of the phone to her. She hadn't been prepared for that and Miles was right she was lucky it was a thing that she's never before witnessed. Now knowing for sure it had been Miles. How Angry Alex was because of it, the fact that he'd never done anything to ignore her and yet she'd made every attemtp to break his heart. Worse she'd suceeded. She'd seen the medical reports that Miles had overdosed and been admitted. Even she had no idea it had to do with a suicide attempt much less one involving Alex which he'd quickly informed her of.

All 3 of them were at a point of feeling disjointed, guilty and like absolute shit from the things that had transpired in the past 24 hours. Miles was sitting on the living room couch alone feeling awful about the attempt he'd made to separate Alex and Cat. Alex was devastated by the idea that the boy he not only loved but his best friend had tried to end his life over something stupid and selfish he'd done. Cat Felt a stinging sense of guilt for bringing it to light and trying intentionally to hurt the man she loved when, although she'd already been angry with him for lying everything else was all a huge misunderstanding.

" I'm sorry Al I thought you were-"

" What, you think I was going to leave you for him? Guess what after a stunt like that I damn well might. I have been thinking since you left you were going to end us anyways seeing as, from what I knew, you didn't even want to talk to me. He had a stupid lapse in judgment. HE came clean to me about it. He came clean to me about everything. YOU  just showed me just how cold your heart is."

" Alex I didn't know it was a suicide attempt much less that it had anything to do with you. I thought you'd get angry about the song and honestly, I thought Miles was hiding from you that he was using drugs. When I read the file I-"

"What file?" Alex snapped through his tears.

"The File I have on Miles. I got it from my father's men . We have our sources."

"That's fucked Catalina." She didn't like it when he used her full name what she'd give to hear him call her kitten right now. " Do you have one on me too then?"

"... Yes, since I met you ." She admitted.

"That's fucked, that's so fucked. You're fucked up Catalina. I trusted you. I LOVE YOU with my entire heart and you.... Fuck I don't even know what to say to you, either of you. Fucking hell Cat I adored you with ever bone in my body and you... I felt like even if I wanted to be with Miles you'd never respect it. I was trapped under the threat of what your family would do to him if I ever left you for him. I have been infatuated with every fiber of your being since the moment I met you and I STILL am. You on the other hand are to calloused to care about the feelings of the people around you ."

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