4.Want to Wake Up to My Dream Report

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A/N: Another one bites the dust! This one is a bit of a long one compaired to the others. I might have gotten a little carried away with the.... fun bits . Anyways! Any and all feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you to each and ever person who's taking the time to read this. It means a lot to me. Hopefully another update tomorrow. Until then ENJOY!

 Both Alex and Miles had slept soundly that night, unlike the day previous. They'd ended up staying up most of the night, a habit they'd mostly out grown as teenagers. Having let years go by without speaking they had a lot of catching up to do. They'd spent thiet time recounting details of their recent lives to each other. There was a slow transition both of them were aware of as the tension started to dissipate between them, bringing back the warm feeling of friendship they'd both been craving.

Miles was happier then he'd been in years when he woke up in the morning to Alex curled up against his side, head tucked beneath his chin. The slightly smaller boy had one fist balled into Miles' white undershirt, his other arm crossed over his own chest. His eyes were peacefully closed, Miles had almost forgotten how long his eyelashes were. In his opinion Alex had the most beautiful Doe eyes he'd ever seen. His steady breathing tickled Miles' neck where it hit his bare skin. Alex seemed to be content, probably deep into a good dream that he would undoubtedly recount to Miles when he woke up. He had a habit of doing so, always had. Alex had such a vivid imagination that never seemed to slow down even when he was resting. His mind was one of the things that drew Miles in so desperately to Alex.

He didn't have the heart to wake the boy. Not just yet anyways. If he let him Alex would probably stay in bed all day. He always seemed to be tired. Even when they were younger. Miles realized early on that for Alex simply being Alex Turner was a full time job. So many people demanded so many things of him, leaving the poor thing exhausted at the end of the day. Between the press, shows and fans he barely had a moment to breathe. When you stretch out the demanding process of being a front man over a matter of months and years it can take it's toll on even the strongest of people. Alex was strong. Tough as nails as far as Miles was concerned.

Alex hated to be the center of attention, something Miles new well. He himself thrived on praise. When they were out on tour together in the past Miles had been able to relieve some of the stress . He knew the signs of Alex becoming anxious in the spotlight. He was easily able, in those days at least, to swoop in an deflect some of it from his sweethearted counterpart. Without him though Alex had grown a far more secretive shell, pulling himself away from the limelight despite the media protest and speculations about his life. It can ware down even the toughest of men. For Alex it usually just left him to tired to deal with reality, preferring dreams to his own waking life.

Miles couldn't have minded anything less, letting the tired man sleep against him, wrapping an arm over the boys side and running the other thought his disheveled hair. A bit later he did start to come around though, yawning and twining himself closer to Mile's body.

" You wouldn't believe the dream I just had." he muttered softly, trying to shake off sleep.

" Yeah? You wanna tell me ' bout it?" Miles asked.

" I was Alex in wonderland." He said almost laughing a bit. " you's' the mad hatter and kept telling me I could go home if I wan'ed to. But I couldn't have cared. I didn't want to leave. I liked it there.... then I fell down the hole and woke up."

" You know, they always said Alice had a thing for the hatter." Miles said brushing Alex's tangled hair away from his face.

"Just like people always thought I had a thing for you?"

"Turns out you did though didn't you?" Miles asked pressing his forehead against Alex's. The other boy simply nodded and Miles couldn't help but press his lips against Alex's. He could actually feel him smiling as he kissed back, pressing his body closer.

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