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A/N: I apologize for the wait on this one but I hope the fact that it's long will make up for it... like LONG long.  I mean like 10,000+ words long. 

A warning to you all. About half of this chapter is smut! Partly just because I like to write smut, but I promise it's not just smut for the sake of smut. As we're closing in on the end of Aviation it's time to start setting up for what's to come after. I won't say too much but there are a lot of things you might overlook now that will become very important later so keep an eye out. (any theories you come up with I'd love to hear ;] )

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. Let me know what you think. Love all of you <3333

 It's only a couple more days before they leave London, bound for LA again. Alex had pleaded with Alexa to go ahead and come with them rather than going home to New York, but she had declined. Alexa insisted that if she was going to be spending an extended amount of time across the country with them that there were several loose ends she would need to tie up first. She also knows that at this rate she won't be back in the city until closer to the time of the wedding. "Besides you'll be too busy so busy getting ready for Owen to come that you won't even notice I'm not around." She'd insisted.

She hadn't been wrong either. After taking a couple days to clean up the mess that was their home (Living with Alex and Miles is like living with two small cyclones. They leave a mess of debris and destruction wherever they go.) They started to once again focus on the music. They ran through all the songs together almost daily, just to get the flavor of them again while trying to not deviate from the decisions they had already made. They also went back through all the recordings they had of Owen's arranged parts trying to hand pick the bits and pieces that they liked best. Although the final choices as far as arrangements would be made when Owen arrived it didn't hurt to have ideas to bring to the table ahead of time since the amount of time they would be spending with the orchestra would be limited.

Once they had come to an agreement or as close to an agreement as they can get) about what they wanted they had turned their attention to other matters. A little surprise for Owen! Prior to now all of their...'encounters' with Owen if you wanted to call them as such had been spontaneous and rather sloppy in terms of planning. The bus had just been good timing. Their threesome they had planned to seduce Owen but had no other preconceived notions about where things would go from there. They'd left it mostly in the older man's hands to decide where the experience would take them.

This time they'd put some real effort into it. They thought things out and talked with each other about how they wanted to instigate the scenario and what they would do if Owen consented to it. They would have to find out if his agreement with Patrick was still in place or if that was only while they had been recording at Shangri-La. He had said it could go on while they were ' recording' Which technically they still were! But Alex and Miles didn't want to overstep their boundaries.

Boundaries were another thing they discussed at length. Up until the point, they hadn't been solidly established in regards to when including others, or even when it was just the two of them. Luckily their communication skills had been getting better both in and out of the bedroom, but as they had been testing their limits recently things had been very touch-and-go. They'd established solid safe worlds after Alex had gotten a little overzealous one night and asked for more then he was able to handle. Miles had deemed it necessary since they were wandering into new and uncharted territories and taking familiar waters to new depths.

This new progress that they were making was something that they wanted to extend into their interactions with Owen and while their ability to understand each other was going splendidly there was one person on the home front that Miles and Alex were not getting along so well with. When they had first returned home Alex already saw a difference in Cat. She was more distant from him and Miles both. He knew that this would happen with time since they were no long together, but this didn't feel like a natural growing apart. It felt negative in nature. He'd known this wouldn't be easy on them but had no idea how much of a toll it would take on her. It was hard to remember that while he had already moved on with Miles, Cat still loved him. Although she had Jay now, he wasn't there to comfort her and instead she was left living in a house with the constant reminder of Alex's affections towards others. He'd accidentally one morning without thinking dug the knife in a little deeper.

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