53. Secret Door

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A/N: We're getting close to the end now everybody! Just a couple more chapters and the dreaded wedding that I'm looking oh so forward to writing.With the next few chapters and the last couple as well, I know things have been a little slow, but I promise every bit is purposeful. 

I would encourage you to start looking between then lines for things that are going to be very important when we reach the sequel soon. I'd really love to hear any theories you all have.  

Also a huge thank you to anyone who has read Shadow Play. I know it hasn't been the easiest thing to get at!  

Love you all,  let me know what you think <3

    Alex, true to form as ever had rinsed himself free of mud with the garden hose and fallen asleep with on the lawn chair while Miles had tried to clean the soil out of his short hair. "You think we're clean enough now that they'd let us in? This hose water is cold and I think I'd like a real bath. That and I've got dirt under me nails and that just-" Miles stops talking when he realizes that Alex isn't laughing at him like he usually would in these situations. " Alex?" He turned around to see his beloved boyfriend had already dozed off. Part of him considered turning the hose in Alex's direction to startle him awake... Part of him thought it would be to mean to frighten him with the cold water. So after a moment of deliberation, he, reached to turn the garden hose off but instead turned the water pressure up higher and sprayed him anyways.

"Jesus! MILES!" Alex yelled jumping up from the chair, his clothes once again dripping where they had just moments ago started to dry. Miles couldn't help but laugh so hard he ended on sitting in the grass wiping tears from his eyes as he attempted to catch his breathe.

"Sorry love, couldn't resist!" He said once he managed to form words. " I had to. I just, I absolutely had to."

"I was sleeping!" Alex complained. " I'm tired Mi!"

"You're always sleeping somewhere you can't expect me to just let you lie there all the time. Now c'mon lets go inside and get warmed up then you can sleep in your bed rather than on that stupid chair." Miles said. Warm and dry and bed sounded like a good combination to Alex so he got up pulling his shirt off and ringing it out. While Miles knocked on the door that leads into the kitchen where Cat and Alexa were currently making tea. "Let us in!" He shouted through the glass.

The two girls looked at each other for a moment as if debating whether they should be so kind, or if they should leave them out there. Technically it was Miles and Alex's house so they couldn't leave them locked out there for too long. Cat eventually made her way over to the door and opened it handing them both towels that she'd grabbed from the downstairs bathroom. "Don't drip on the floors." She said.

Alex shivered, it was colder in the house than it had been outside and the fact that he was once again soaked didn't help any. Even with the towel around him, he shook. "Probably could have left the wet clothes outside," Alexa said. Alex merely nodded. " You boys want some tea?"

"No, I'm going to go have a bath," Alex said, his voice low and almost muffled. "You coming?" He asked Miles.

"Course I am. I'll be there in a second." Miles said. He is thoroughly interested in tea. Alex just nodded and scurried off upstairs.

"Is he alright? You two made up didn't you?" Cat asked.

"We did. He's just tired." Miles knows just how to read Alex's body language after all these years. He's got an extensive catalog in his head of all his moods, facial expressions and postures as well as exactly what they mean. Miles could write a novel on the scientific study of Alex Turner's behavior just as much as he was sure that Alex could write a book about his as well. "Last night was a bit much for him, he got up early, and I think I just ran out what energy he had left."

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