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A/N: This took way longer to finish than I wanted it to, but it's extra long to make up for it. Now that this chapter is finished there are only 4 MORE LEFT!  :D

New Shadow play will be following this shortly in the next couple of says so keep an eye out that. I've decided that for now that I'll be doing with that is posting it first on Wattpad and then the day after on AO3. 

Anyway,  I hope you all like this one. Let me know what you think~ <3

Over the course of the next few days, things seem to get easier between everyone. Miles and Alex were inseparable again and their fight, as well as the twitter incident, had both blown over. What they thought what an accidental slip on Owen's part had actually been a blessing in disguise. Although they had planned to keep the creation of their new Album under wraps until they had finished with the mixing, mastering and decided on a release date, the enthusiasm shown by the fans gave both writers a renewed sense of drive to tackle the challenges they would face with its release head on. That being said, Alex and Miles had started to do something that a few months ago they never even considered. They were planning to tour!

Alex had been resistant to the idea from the start knowing it would be in the wake of what would be a disastrous wedding. Miles, on the other hand, seemed genuinely optimistic. " Look if the plan works the way that we want it to then we have nothing to worry about in the first place." He'd insisted.

"But what if it doesn't work out quite the way we'd hoped?" Alex had argued.

"Then maybe us going on the run isn't really the smartest idea. What are we going to do? Spend the rest of our lives hiding from the mafia?" Miles asked. " No, I think the best thing to do would be to hide in plain sight. Think about it, if we're doing shows there would be security around. No one would be able to get near us with weapons of any kind. That and those rooms are full of kids. You've heard the way Cat's father talks. He would never allow one of his men to do something that could lead to the accidental death of an innocent child!"

"He's got a point," Jason said, he'd been listening from across the kitchen where he'd been sitting with Alexa while she sketched. " But it's less the senior you have to worry about and more the son at this point."

"My brother doesn't really have much in the way of a moral code. Never has." Cat shrugged. " That being said, Miles does have a point it might be safer for you two to stay out in the open. If you're in the media spotlight they're less likely to touch you. If you were both killed in the middle of a tour it would raise a lot of suspicious and due to our affiliation my family would probably be the first people they look into as suspects. My brother may be barbaric but he is by no means a stupid man."

"So then you're saying-"

"Alex, I'm saying I want you both out on the road if at all possible. Let the kids get excited about it. Do lots of interviews leading up to the tour. Do anything you can to be on the pop culture radar for the time being." Cat said.

"Oh, nooo. No one wants to interview them. Not together." Alexa laughed. "They're absolutely horrific. I love them and I still never had them on my show at the same time! They're an absolute NIGHTMARE."

"Gee Alexa, thanks for that. I'm so glad to know that's the reason we were rejected by Gonzo. Here that Mi, little miss innocent here double crossed us! And you were ever my girlfriend at the time." Alex joked.

"They producers probably didn't want you on with both your boyfriend and your girlfriend. Could have turned into a real Jerry Springer scenario." Miles laughed.

"She'd 'ave broken a chair over my head for cheating while you got your balls smashed with a microphone till they retreated back into your body." Alex could see it all in his head.

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