5. Calm Like You

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A/N: 5 chapter in 5 days. I think I'm pretty happy with that. hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the pace of the updates the way I'd like to, I'm really enjoying writing it.  Thanks again to everyone who's taken the time to let me know that they're enjoying this. Your kind words make my heart happy! As always your feedback is appreciated, hope you enjoy. 

Cat is slowly figuring out why Alex is best friends with Miles. They're sitting at dinner in a tiny little Thai restaurant on the other side of town. According to the two boys, it's close to where Miles used to live before his current Flat. The place is small, Narrow, and dimly lit. the décor seems to all be made from brightly colored bamboo shoots, and the smell of sweet spices and coconut fill the air. They'd taken a table towards the back, neither of the boys wanting to be noticed though the restaurant wasn't busy, only a few people coming in and out mostly picking up take out orders.

If their plan had been not to draw attention to themselves it was failing miserably. As Cat was quickly learning the two boys together were rather loud. Alex on his own was a fairly calm person. It seemed Miles influence brought out a bit of a wild side in him as they recounted to her tails of their adventures, both of them sitting on the same side of the table while Alex was directly opposite her. To a passer by it might be hard to tell which one of them he was actually dating. It didn't bother Cat, though. Alex was straight, she had a ring on her finger. He was just having fun with his best mate who he hadn't seen in years and honestly she was enjoying listening to them tell stories about their lives on tour.

"And then Cookie comes running into bus, yelling that-"

" The man had shot the cat." Both boys said in unison, bursting into loud laughter. They'd been telling her about the time that they tour bus had broken down in the wilderness of Russia on the way to a gig, ending them in a standoff with a particularly Aggressive Male Linx.

"Worst Birthday Jamie Ever had," Alex said.

"I still think they should have given him the skin, let him wear the little beasts head like a hat," Miles said.

"A cat hat?" Alex asked

"Why yes a cat hat," Miles said, they'd both already slipped back into the silliest of voices again as they'd done several times.

"Cool cat with a cool hat."

"Cool Cat with a cool Cat hat." Mile corrected. " I like that, we must put it In a song." Alex Just smiled at him, making Miles smile as well. He was possessively beaming, radiating energy.

" I don't know how your band mates can stand to be on tour with the two of you, Are you like this all of the time?" Cat asked.

"Not all the time, we do sleep occasionally." Miles Joked.

" 's not like the rest of them aren't just as bad," Alex said, as their food showed up.

"Sometimes they'd lock us in a room together to get rid of us for a while if they needed a break, we'd just-"

"write tunes, fuck about. We used to write-"

"A lot of tunes together, whenever we could get five minutes to-"

"Work on it. He as was always showing me stuff and I always had ten new things already up my sleeve so-"

"The running joke on the tour had become-"

"WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE A RECORD TOGETHER." Alex and Miles both said laughing.

"Do...do you two practice this shit or does it come naturally?"

"Just comes naturally Doll." Miles Joked looking across the table at Cat.

"My father is just going to adore you, you seem like a real man's man." She told Miles. She found him rather funny, in the best of ways.

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