14. Your Fuse is Fireside

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A/N: yay I'm back finally going to start doing much more consistent updates again so you can expect them on a fairly regular basis.  now that I'm feeling better I'm having a lot of fun writing this again and especially these next few chapters I'm really ready and looking forward too. Your wonderful feedback means the worlds to me. I was shocked, totally shocked by how much of a positive response this sotry has gotten. I love you all hope you like this. Enjoy :D

 Miles as stated many times has never been and never will be a morning person. It's just wholeheartedly not in his nature. He just doesn't see the purpose of mornings. Alex, on the other hand, goes through phases. Traditionally if he's not on tour then he doesn't feel the need to get up early. On the road he likes the quiet time to himself while his band mates are still dreaming. Sometimes Jamie would be quite and early riser as well. The two of them had a silent agreement. Silent in the way that they never talked about it but also because the agreement was that they didn't talk to each other at this time. If they did it would violate something sacred. Today though Alex's usual fondness for staying in bed was broken because he's way to excited about this trip!

He'd only slept about an hour when he and Miles had gone to bed, maybe a little more before he was rushing about. Making coffee, making what he deemed ' the most epic road trip play list that ever has or ever will exist' The drive would be rather long so he'd stacked the playlist full of old classic and gone to the corner shop down the street to stock up on snacks for the car. He'd also re done some of Miles packing because he disapproved of what he'd put in. They were going to be running around in the woods the dress code is jeans and Tshirts ( or less) dammit Miles get it together!

Through all this running around Miles was still asleep, dead to the world unable to hear all of Alex's rushing about. " Miles." He shook him gently trying to wake the other boy up. Miles cracked an eye open, looking up to see Alex who, much to his displeasure, was already out of bed and dressed. "C'mon get up we need to head out if we want to get there at a reasonable time." Miles whined to protest but he could see the look of excitement on Alex's face.

"You gon' tell me where it is we're goin' yet." He asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes.

"Not hardly! It's a surprise."Alex insisted.

"C'mon AL give me a hint at least!" Miles pressed.

"We're going to the woods."

"Well, I already knew that!" Miles threw his hands in the air.

"There's lots of trees." Alex continued.

"Obviously, that's the deffinition of woods isn't it. Wood's made from trees!"

"It's North of us." Alex laughed.

"Yes, that would generally be the direction of vast amounts of woods. You're telling me things I already know Turner."

"Yup, and that's all I'm telling you. Now get dressed I've already got everything in the car so we can head out."

"Jesus Al , how long have you been up?" Miles asked, looking around for a pair of jeans and pulling on an old black and white striped shirt with it.

"A bit, oh and I repacked your suitcase too. Who needs leather pant in the woods!"

"Maybe if you'd told me where we were going I'd know where to pack!" Miles insisted.

"We're going off the grid for a bit no nothing around us," Alex said, a smirk rising across his features.

" You're such a devious little wanker you know that?" Miles insisted.

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