41. Mad Sounds

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A/N: Yaaaaay so back to studio means back to happier things for a little bit. I think I've broken your hearts enough ( for this week at least) and now it's time for vignettes again! The first part isn't technically one of them but I guess it counts? The last one was hands down my favorite. I probably had a little more fun with it than I should have. There will be one more chapter done in this similar style ( basically the plan was one for each week worth of recording) Hope you like this and it will help to soak up some of those tears. Let me know what you think <3

    "Please promise you'll call more Alex, I don't hear from you enough," Nick says with a sad smile as he grabs his brown leather bag from the entry way. "And by all means, come and visit sometime! Are you going to be in Sheffield for Christmas this year?" he questioned. Alex sighed running a hand through his hair.

"No, probably not. Miles and I will probably be off the grid for a little while. I'll try to make it out for a visit before that," Alex assured him.

"Alright, well it's been good to see you mate," Nick says giving Alex a hug.

"Yeah, take care of yourself," Jamie adds doing the same. " Miles, you keep an eye on him. No more trouble for this one." He tries to joke.

"Don't worry. I will." Miles smiled. He wraps an around around the smaller man but Alex doesn't lean back into him as he normally would. He's too afraid that he might hurt Miles at the moment. They're both in pain, but they're doing their best to save face for the sake of their friends.

" You not going with them Helders?" Miles questioned, looking over to where Matt is still seated on their couch.

" No, I thought I'd stay in LA a couple extra days. Maybe take a look at a couple of places. Breana is keen on the idea of moving somewhere warmer once the little one is born." Matt smiled.

" Why don't you come record with us in Malibu for a couple days? The studio is just amazing and we've got a couple songs that could use-"

"That Agile beast touch?" Miles interrupted.

"I was going to say backing vocals," Alex admitted. This was wrong they were out of sync with each other's minds something they both immediately noticed. Matt saw it too, the way both their faces immediately fell.

"Sure, I think I'd like that," Matt said. It's particularly because recording does actually sound like fun after being in the musical wasteland of hiatus for so long. The other part is because he feels the need to keep an eye on his friends.

"JAMES! WE'RE BRINGING HELDERS BACK WITH US, WE'VE GOT NO USE FOR YOU ANYMORE!" Miles shouts to James. He instantly regrets it due to the stinging in his side.

"Love you've got to stop yelling. You're just hurting yourself." Alex said, turning to Miles and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

The ride back to Malibu seems painstakingly long. With the addition of Matt to the group, they don't all fit in one car anymore so Alex had opted to ride with Matt instead. Miles seemed a bit put off by the sudden decision, but Alex shrugged it off. He insisted he just wanted to spend some time with his band mate that he often thought of as a brother rather than a friend.

Alex is mostly quiet on the ride, looking out the window at the scenery. Matt had to drive. Alex was forbidden to drive while under the influence of painkillers. Alicia had been adamant about that, and with good reason! It's eventually Matt who breaks the silence. " Did something happen between you and Miles last night Al? You two seem out of sorts." Matt questioned.

"We're alright, just... We had a fight this morning." Alex admitted. " It was less of a fight really, more of a misunderstanding."

" Over what?" Matt asked.

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