40.Baby, I'm Yours

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A\N: 40 chapters woooow. So here's another one! and possibly another one later or I might start on the prequel. It's still raining outside so life is canceled until further notice. I've got Nachos and watercolors and that's all the incentive I need to not leave the house! Just a heads up next chapter will be back to the vignette style with the studio pictures and I promise we'll get back to some happier things lol. Hope you enjoy this one first though! Let me know what you think <3

The next morning Alex woke much earlier than Miles did. He was in need of more painkillers to take the edge off, and maybe some clarity of mind. He got up to find Cat sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee already in hand. Everyone else in the house still seemed to be asleep. " You couldn't sleep either?" Cat asked, looking up from the chipped ladybug mug in front of her ( it had been damaged against the side of the sink months ago, but still she refused to part with it)

"Not at all." Alex shook his head.

"How's your shoulder?" Cat asked.

"In a lot of pain," Alex admitted. Cat stood, walked over to the counter, and picked up an orange pill bottle sat near the sink. She popped out two pills and filled a glass with some water handing both to Alex. " Thanks." He popped the pills back, downed the water and left the cup in the sink.

"Miles still in bed?" Cat asked.

"Yeah, he looked so peaceful I didn't have the heart to wake him. If he's sleeping it's all for the better." Alex said, sitting at the kitchen table across from Cat and leaning back in the chair.

"He needs it, but so do you. You should try and go back to bed. Maybe the medicine will help to put you out." Cat suggested.

" You and I both know that's not going to happen. I haven't been able to sleep all night. My mind is too full." Alex sighed. He reached across the table to swipe Cat's coffee, taking a sip before realizing how much sugar was in it and passing it back to her. "Why do you still keep that mug?"

"It's my favorite. I'm sentimental I guess." Cat shrugged.

" You know, ladybugs are supposed to bring good luck." Alex pointed out.

"I thought that was only if they land on you?"

"I don't remember really." Alex sighed.

"When I was a kid, growing up in New York we didn't ever see ladybugs. Then one summer my family decided to take a trip upstate. I know now that it was to get away from some 'business associates' my father didn't want to find us, but at the time I just thought we were finally getting a real family vacation like the ones my friends at school talked about." Cat had high hopes that maybe a story would pull Alex out of his own mind some. She didn't often share memories of her childhood with him. "So we spent a month and a half out on this lake up in the mountains. I'm not even sure where it was, honestly. I don't think I could find my way back there if I tried."

"You don't remember the name of the town?" Alex asked.

"Sadly no, but I do remember that every Sunday they had this little farmer Market in what was considered the ' downtown' area. My mom would take the three of us kids every weekend. We would get frozen lemonades and spend the afternoon wandering around the booths. There was one time that this old man and his wife had set up a booth we'd never seen before and they were selling lady bugs in these little plastic containers." Cat remembered.

"Oh yeah, don't they do that to put them on crops or in gardens? Keeps other insects away or summat?"

"Yeah I guess so. I was just so blown away by it because I'd never seen a real ladybug before. The old farmer ended up giving me one of the containers. I wanted to keep them as pets and take them back to the city with us, so everyone else could see ladybugs too, but my father made me let them all go. I realize now that they would have died if I kept them, but I was only five or six at the time, so I spent the whole time crying that it was unfair. I didn't want to let my new friends go. It seems so silly now."

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