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As you might have noticed I took a bit of a break 😅... Ok, it was 2 years of a break but who's counting?

I'm very sorry about that

I was going through a lot of change. I moved multiple times, started a new job, and was struggling with my mental health. It's still a struggle but I'm trying my best. Some days are better than others.

Writing is a very important part of keeping balanced for me. As some of you might know Aviation was originally a distraction to help me cope with grief. It has a special place in my heart and I revisit it often. I've always had the intention of finishing Bourne Identity.

The biggest roadblock in continuing the story is simple. Content. By the time I was settled into my new life and there was time to work on the plot again there was a mountain of new content.

If you've made it this far I'm sure you know by now that Aviation follows the recording process of EYCTE. I spent hours weaving pieces of the story around the content that they were putting out.

Logically, Bourne Identity is supposed to follow the timeline of the TLSP tour. I'm so thankful that there's still a full video of most of the shows! But, for the sake of the story, we would need to assume that the inspirations for both TBHC and Coup De Grace would have come from this time period. They alter the course drastically from my original intention in ways that both excite and terrify me.

This means finding the time to search through hours of material relating to the two albums as well as what's been up with everyone since 2017. If someone wants to message me a beak down of relevant information it would save me a whole lot of time 😉😅

The other obstacle is that it's been so long I've forgotten what's in my own story 😂 I need a reread!

That brings us to today! Obviously, I can't read the story without editing it!


All the bones will remain the same. That said, there are changes that need to be made. In addition to fixing basic mistakes, my writing style has improved. I want to use those skills to make this story the best it can be. I will also be using this as an opportunity to post it for the first time on AO3 as well!

It's also a perfect excuse to go back and answer all those comments y'all been leaving! Sorry that I haven't been very active. I've been lurking in the shadows and I see you 👀. The amount of new attention this story continues to receive still amazes me. When I posted the first chapter I never thought I'd be at over 85k reads 🥰. I can't thank you enough for all the love and support.

Once the edit is done then I'll be continuing Bourne Identity. So, I meant it when I said I need some help catching up. I hope this will at least start to make up for my long absence. I can't wait to bring some new life into this story


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