30. Innocence and Arrogance Intwined

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A/N: Sorry I didn't get this out sooner Technically I had it finished yesterday, but I was still sick and didn't feel like editing it. Then today was my birthday so I spent most of the day on Skype with my best friend back home watching James Bond movies together on the internet because I'm still trying not to spread my germs to others. Guess Disney world will have to wait till next week D: Oh well. Here is the chapter. I really like writing the dynamics between this little group. They're a lot of fun.  Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.  Some of the dark is masked in the light-hearted. Let's see what you pick up on ;)

 By the time they get on the train the following afternoon Alexa is feeling much better about her encounter the previous evening. She'd been shaken by when it happened, but Miles and Alex had come just in time before anything vile could occur. This morning the events of last night seemed to be all but forgotten after a good nights rest. The Journey to Liverpool would only take them two hours. On the way, they talked about what to do in Wirral, The Strokes the day before, and Miles and Alexa's fake relationship.

"Alright, here's the idea," Alexa started. " you and I have been together for six months. The reason we're only now making it public is because we wanted to see if we were built to last rather then rile up the media around us, and we split up quickly. So for our six month anniversary, we planned this trip with Alex and Cat to go to Liverpool for a couples weekend. It's fun, it's romantic, we get to spend time with our friends, and you're planning to finally introduce me to your mum. So we'll post some silly anniversary pictures or something as our way of coming out about it." Alexa suggested.

"Oh, six whole months already? I had no idea we liked each other so much." Miles joked.

"That would put our timeline right around the time Alex got engaged, and about a month before you two started speaking again." Alexa pointed out.

"Wow, has it been less than five months we've been speaking again?" Alex asked. He hardly remembers what life was like without Miles now. His comment, however, goes largely unnoticed.

"Oh wait! Am I the guy you're dating because your ex is now engaged to someone else? Is that what happened here?"Miles laughed earning him a look from Alex who squeezed his knee.

"Yeah because I couldn't possibly be over Alex Turner after all these years." Alexa rolled her eyes, voice steeped in sarcasm.

"You never know. I never got over him." Miles said, leaning his head on Alex's shoulder. They're on an early train, so there aren't many people around. There's no need to fear speaking openly about it.

"I always found him sort of annoying." Alexa jokes, winking in Alex's direction.

"Miles, between you, Cat and Alexa I just can't catch a break can I. It's just everyone gang up on Alex all the time!" Alex complained.

"Oh hush puppet it's because we love you." Miles laughed ruffling Alex's hair and turning his attention back to Alexa. "Alright, so we have our back story now all we need are some pictures to back it up. OH! Should I write you a really sappy Anniversary card for you to leave in some bar?"

"That was a valentines day card , and I will always regret that." Alexa sighed.

"People think I'm a sap because of your carelessness," Alex said, glaring at Miles for bringing that up.

"You are sort of a sap. It's not an inaccurate assumption to make love." Miles said.

"I'm only like that with you," Alex muttered so only Miles could hear him.

"It's true, you should hear some of the stuff he says to me. The pillow talk is downright poetic when he doesn't immediately fall asleep." Miles joked. Alex face reddened and he averted his eyes to look out the window at the passing scenery. It would only be another few minutes of so before they arrived in Liverpool.

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