7. The Element of Surprise

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A/N: This probably should have been two chapters honestly. It ended up coming out a little on the long side but I couldn't find a good spot to break it up so oh well MEGACHAPTER! I hope you all enjoy it. your kind words and responses to this story leave me all floaty and giddy and I want to be BFFs with each and every one of you. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to read this. So enjoys my pretties! 

 The next morning it wasn't only Miles who was hung over, it was all three of them sitting around the kitchen table, cups of coffee in their hands, thank god for being in London, it was a muggy rainy day so they didn't have to worry about bright sunlight getting in through the wide-set double Window in the kitchen.

"I think I kissed Miles last night." Cat groaned, looking over at Alex who had his head in his hands. He was in a death match of a staring contest with his coffee which he had yet to even touch.

"I think I kissed Miles too." He said there was no thinking about it, he KNEW he'd kissed Miles and god he'd loved it. There was a thrill to not having to make it a secret for once. Miles was currently very concerned about how this would effect his long game strategy now that Cat had obviously taken notice of the tension between the two of them.

"Alex Sweetheart you did more than kiss him." Cat laughed. " You looked like you were trying to chew his face off."

"He's a good kisser," Alex said, still not looking up to meet Miles eyes though he can practically see the Smug look on his face as he sat across from him, arms crossed.

" 's true. That's why the ladies love me." Mile Joked.

"So arrogant...." Cat commented rolling her eyes.

"Kitten I have a confession to make," Alex said, finally raising his head. Miles felt the bottom of his stomach drop out, absolutely terrified at what Alex was going to say next. He wanted to stop him, he shot the boy a wide-eyed anxious look. Alex just stared back at him, blank and emotionless before averting his eyes to Cat. Miles didn't like that look! Granted it was probably due to the hangover but Alex's eyes looked so dead, there was none of their usual warmth. Miles couldn't read him, and that terrified him. "I've kissed Miles before, loads of times. We used to make out all the time as teenagers when we were on tour just to blow off some steam." Alex said. "Don't mean anything, just being horny, usual drunk teenagers." Miles was slightly relieved that that was all Alex was coming clean about but something about he way he said it, that reminder of his words all those years ago that it meant nothing, that still stung even though he knew it wasn't true.

"I sort of had a feeling. " Cat said shrugging off like it was totally normal. " You know my maid of honor Emilia? We used to practice making out with each other all the time when we were teenagers so we'd be 'good at it' This double standard that when girls do it it's 'normal' and ' just girlish fun' but when boys do it they're considered gay. It's ridiculous. What makes it intimate is the feelings behind it, not the kiss itself. Without that, it's just a mechanical action. Who cares." Alex almost laughed, that was not the reaction he'd been expecting.

Miles, on the other hand, had his fingernails digging into his biceps, trying not to allow his anger to be apparent. Mechanical action his ass. He'd always kissed Alex like his world would be smashed to bits without him, and it had been for a long time. How was that for emotion? He wanted to shout at this self-assured, overly presumptuous girl that he loved Alex ten fold more than she even could instead though he just fumed in silence.

"Yeah, exactly. Just a bit of fun." Alex said, forcing a smile. Miles could tell it was fake, but it still made his blood boil. "We should try and catch that 10:15 back to Sheffield." he yawned.

"Yeah, You'll be able to get it if you hurry. I'm going back to bed." Miles said, getting up and going back to his room, closing the door behind him.

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