18. All My Own Stunts

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A/N: So this one went a little on the long side and now my heart hurts. Can someone please get me Taco's and Gin to deal with this monster I've created? That would be really helpful. But if not feedback will do just fine thanks. Enjoy my loves <3

  Miles waits until he's sure Alex is good and asleep before he reaches over for his phone to call Matt. With the way, he was acting Miles thought it might be best that Alex does not know Matt is coming until he's already there. "Miiiiles Kane." Matt drags out his name when he picks up the phone. "That's a voice I've not heard in a while. 'ow've you been Mate?"

"Pretty good, Moved out to LA, going to be doing the puppets thing again with Al," Miles said, assuming that Alex has told Matt about the record and at least once tried to coerce him into drumming. "How about yourself?"

"Good, expecting a baby in the fall. Don't know if it's a boy or a girl, want it to be a surprise. Breana and I are over the moon about it. Started doing some things with Iggy pop too while we're on this break of ours."

"Oh, that's great! Congratulations!" Miles said.

"I get the feeling you're not calling me after all this time just to have a little chat and catch up Miles. What's on your mind?" Matt asked.

"well, don't worry too much, he's alright and he's here with me but-" Miles is quickly cut off by Matt. His bro senses must be tingling.

"What's wrong with Al?"

" He's finally gone off the deep end. I think he's sleep deprived. I got him to sleep but he disappeared for 3 days, he thinks he's being followed and he won't even get a new phone cause he thinks they'll track him with it." Miles sighed. Running his hands through Alex's overly greasy hair. "He's acting manic it's like he's lost all concept of reality."

" That's definitely not right." Matt sounds concerned, though Miles can't see him through the phone he's got a good feeling what Matt's face probably looks like at the moment.

"I've never seen him like this before. I'm hoping it's sleep deprivation and alcohol talking. Maybe he'll calm down some after a good nap but I'm worried." Miles admitted.

"Do you know what set him off?" Matt asked already looking through airline tickets on his laptop. " I'm catching the next flight should be there in the morning." Miles bit his lip looking for a why to explain this all to Matt.

" I think that's a conversation best left to when you get here." Miles sighed.

"Right, don't let him out of your sight until I get there. Where's Cat?" Matt asked.

"She's in New York with her family. That's part of it, they got into it a bit the other night." Miles said intentionally understating the fight for the moment. "It's probably best she's not here at the moment. He's paranoid about her family."

' " I can see where that could happen. Alright, I'll see you boys in the AM then."

"Great, let me know when you get here, we'll come get you. I'm not going to tell him you're coming though it's probably for the best at the moment." Miles said.

" Do what you think is necessary. I trust your judgment." Matt said. " I'll see you soon Miles." He added before hanging up. Miles sighed, putting his phone back on the nightstand.

It was a good few hours before Alex woke up, sleepy-eyed looking over at Miles. He was a bit startled. He couldn't seem to remember coming over to Miles' apartment. He'd been actively trying to dodge him for the last couple of days. Not because of anything Miles had done but just because he didn't want to be around him. Not till he found those files and knew what exactly Cat's family knew about them.

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