45. Ghost in the Wrong Coat

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A/N: Sorry this took so long I wanted to have this done a couple of days ago but DISTRACTIONS. I've been with my family and when I'm with them I can't get ANYTHING DONE EVER ( I miss my roommates they leave me alone :| ) anyways.  Yay 45. That's a whole lot of chapters and we're still not done yet. 

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of the prequel. I'm going to do another update on this before I do one for that story. Hope you enjoy this. Love you all you beautiful little critters. Let me know what you think <3

     When Cat shuts the door to the guest room to leave Miles and Alex in peace Jason waves her over with a silent hand. She blinks at him for a moment in the darkness of the upstairs hallway before approaching him. " We have a problem." He said in a low rumbling tone. The concern is evident in his voice and he's making an effort to make sure no one in the rest of the house can hear him lest they be alarmed by the situation any further.

It's already been a traumatic enough night for someone who's not used to their way of life. Jason has cleaned up more messes than he would care to admit in his day. Cat has been used to their being dead bodies being erased from her home since she was a child. The first time she saw one was one of her father's associates that had betrayed the family. He'd been shot in their kitchen in the middle of dinner when she was only three years old. Sometimes it was hard for the two of them to remember that most people weren't used to dealing so closely with death all the time.

"What's wrong?" Cat asked. She was worried as to what the trouble could be. For Jason to tell her something was amiss then it had to be important.

"Come here." He said walking back into the bedroom and giving a sign to follow. By this point, he had grabbed the plastic tarps from the garage and was working on getting things cleaned up. He'd also removed the man's balaclava. Cat was afraid to look at first because part of her was still dreading the possibility that it could have been her brother who had broken into their home. It wasn't thankfully, but what she did see wasn't much of a relief either. It was her cousin Nico. Someone who was very close with Alonzo. Because he was a good friend to the black sheep of the bosses brood and shared in his violent nature he wasn't usually included in the family business. Cat's father ran a clean ship! If anyone was harmed it was not without, what they considered to be, a valid reason. Nico and Alonzo, on the other hand, had their own nefarious side projects that they engaged in. Alonzo had obviously put him up to this thinking it would end in their favor.

This knowledge led to a whole new set of problems. Miles had shot one of their own. Whether her father approved of Nico's tendencies or not he was still a part of their family. Battle lines were being drawn and it was very obvious which side of them Cat would be standing on. "Fuck, what do we do?" Cat asked.

"I don't think Alonzo would have the balls to tell your father about this even if Nico doesn't come back. It would mean telling him that he sent someone to attack your home. You're his only daughter. You know your father won't stand for that. Especially if your own brother ordered the attack." Jason pointed out.

"He'd kill Alonzo for it." Cat sighed. It's times like these that she's glad that she's a daddy's girl.

"Way I see it there are two options. Either you tell him that Alonzo sent Nico to attack you or we keep this on the down low. He probably won't take very well to the idea that Miles shot his nephew after all." Jason has a point and Cat's not in the market to start a riot.

"At least it's not Alonzo himself. That's what I was most afraid of, but I was hoping I was right. I thought the attacker was shorter than him. He shoulders are less broad as well. It never crossed my mind to think about Nico." Cat Muttered running her hands through her long brunette hair still tangled from pool water and sleep. " The game is being set. He's playing with me, with us! This is what he does to people. I have to make a play fast or we're going to be out in the open."

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