29. D is for Dangerous

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A/N: Welp I guess you guys can be expecting a good few updates this weekend. Of course the weekend I have ALL THE BIRTHDAY PLANS I get sick. Now I'm trapped in the house for at least the next couple days with nothing to do but throw this story deeper and deeper into chaos. I hope you're ready for it. This shit  is about to get REAL. Anyways I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think <3

 The hour preceeding Cat's call to Alex was a peaceful one. It was early, still only about Ten. Cat had opted not to go out that evening. She didn't really find enjoyment in spending time with her girlfriends anymore. What she was enjoying however, was the blissful silence that had fallen over the house. Given a couple of days she would no doubt miss the racket, but for now it was nice to have some quiet time to herself. She was currently curled under a blanket on the couch, a cup of hot tea in hand, while she turned through the pages of 'In Cold Blood' By Truman Capote.

She was shaken from her concentration when he phone began to vibrate on the table next to her. She looked up half expecting it to be Alex or Miles, but instead was greeted by her brother Dante's name on the screen. " Hey D, What's up? How's things with Marie?"

"Are you in London?" The question is harsh and the voice she's met with isn't her docile younger brother, but her older brother Alanzo. "Because your man is and you should see what the presses are saying about him." From the background she can here Dante fumbling to grab his phone back

"Would you give me that!" He shouts at the older boy.

"Answer my question Catalina. Are you in London?" Alanzo asks again.

"No, I had some things to take care of today but I'm flying out in the morning to meet up with Alex and Miles in Liverpool tomorrow."

"So you know he's with that Kane boy then?"

"Obviously. They went with their friend Zach to go see the Strokes. I think Alex said they were going to meet up with his band mates as well." Cat replied. She's not sure where this conversation is headed, but she's already uncomfortable with it's direction.

"That's funny, I don't see anyone else in these pictures. I just see what the media is calling a 'happy couple'" Alanzo spat. Cat's heart about stopped. She quickly tried to regain composure to avoid suspicion.

"Oh please! They're close and they get a bit silly when they're drunk. They're not a couple. The internet has been making those claims for years." Cat tried her best to sound casual about the whole situation.

"That Kane kid, is he a fairy?"

"If you asking me if he's a mythical creature then yes that's entirely possible. If you're asking me whether or not he's gay the answer is no. Miles is dating Alexa Chung. Ask Dante he's met them both." This was quickly taking a turn for the worst. Cat could hear Alanzo let out a chuckle of disbelief.

"There's pictures of Alexa Chung at the show as well. None of them have any sign of Alex or Kane kid in them." He scoffed.

"Would you stop calling him that? His name is Miles and he's a very good friend of mine. I think I'd know if he was gay. He's living with Alex and I right now since he was stabbed the last time they were in New York." Cat protested.

"So they travel together often while you're left at home?" Cat can nearly hear Alanzo's eyebrows raise.

" No," She figured honesty might work best in this situation. "Alex found out about the files I had on his friends. He was very upset with me about it so we weren't speaking. He found out something very personal in Alexa's file pertaining to him, so he and Miles when to New York. What you think Miles was going let Alex confront his girlfriend without him there?" A likely story with vauge enough details.

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