57.Breakfast at the Heartbreak Hotel

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A/N: And here it is PART 2 as promised. Now that this one is up I'm absolutely ITCHING to post that last chapter. It's finished and edited and ready to go and I'm like dfjkhdkjfhsd cause I have no self-restraint. So for a distraction, I'm going to go try and get this Wirlitzer Electric Organ I found on Craigslist. I told my roommates about it earlier and she was like Ellie where the fuck are you going to put an Organ in our house and I was I'LL JUST THROW OUT MY DESK. Who needs a desk when you have a functioning Electric Organ :| ( The neighbors may murder me)

Anyways sorry I'm rambling. Let me know what you think pleaaaase. ENJOY MY LOVES <#33

When He gets up in the morning he's surprised to be face to face with Miles who is kissing his neck. " Get up sleepy little monkey we've got things to do." He declares in a sing-song voice.

"Mmm little monkey wants more sleep," Alex mumbled grabbing Miles arm to pull him closer as he rolled over in an attempt to go back to sleep. Miles can't help but laugh at Alex's final acceptance of the nickname even if it's only because he's half asleep.

"No, no darling. Get up and dressed We've got brunch with your boys and then haircuts at noon. Got to keep on schedule." Miles teased, pulling the blanket away from Alex.

"Fine, I'm up," Alex grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. It's only then that he notices he and Miles aren't the only ones there at the moment. Cat's already up, applying her eyeliner in the mirror while Alexa talks her ear off and Alicia waits for the two of them.

Alex gets up and walks over to his bag pulling on the first pair of jeans he grabs, along with a striped shirt, and his leather Jacket assuming that would be fine for just hanging around with the lads. "Alright, let's go."He said grabbing his cigarettes from the night stand along with his wallet and signature sunglasses.

"Alex..." Miles sighed.

"What?" Alex asked without looking up from his phone as he texted Matt.

"I said I wanted you to coordinate outfits for tonight. Not all day long." Cat laughed. It's then that Alex looked up at Miles and sees they're wearing the same thing. Their stripes are slightly different sizes but their jackets are exactly the same.

"This is why we need to stop buying matching clothing. From now on let's just buy one and share so this stops happening. Now one of us has got to change."Alex sighed.

" I got dressed first." Miles shrugged.

"Then pick me out something I don't care." Alex sighed walking off into the bathroom. Miles knitted his eyebrows together and followed Alex.

"You're awfully cranky this morning." He commented as he watched Alex pull off his jacket and shirt before splashing some water on his face.

"Cause I hate this already and I want it to be over. I woke up with you there and thought for a second that it was. Then you started listing things we had to do and it broke the illusion." Alex sighed.

"Aw Aly." Miles sighed pulling the dejected man in for a hug. "I felt the same way without you this morning, but I kept telling myself all I had to do was get dressed and then I could spend the whole day with you. Even if we don't get any time alone we still get to be together." Miles said.

"It's so pathetic we can't even stand to be apart for a couple of days. I crave you." Alex complained.

"I think we'd do fine separated under normal circumstances. Like if I was to go visit my mum for a few days and left you home I have no doubt you'd be just fine alone. It's just the situation." Miles said. " I know this is stressful for you. It's stressful for me too love and the idea of knowing we're so close to getting what we want makes it harder."

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