2. Everything You've Come to Expect

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A/N: Hope you enjoy it. Hoping to possibly get chapter 3 up later this evening as well if I can. Would really appreciate any feedback you have! Talk to me, let be friends!Enjoy!

 To say that Miles was nervous would be an understatement. He'd spent most of the afternoon pacing the floor of his London flat wondering if it was too late to call Alex and back out of their dinner tonight. He was conflicted. On the one hand, he wanted nothing more than to see Alex again, to hear his voice, see that smile that made his heart pick up speed and gaze into those gorgeous Chocolate brown eyes he loved so much. In the opposite stroke, he knew that he shouldn't want any of these things. He was well aware Alex had no romantic feelings towards him. Miles knew what the outcome of this would be. It would end in him once again pining over a man that was soon to be married.

He'd already started with the lies right from the word go. Now he had to figure out some way to back them up. He needed to come up with a plausible excuse for this actions all those years ago. He couldn't very well be honest. That would only make the situation more complicated and probably lead them to yet another fight. Miles knew he wouldn't be able to handle that. When he and Alex had ended their friendship four years ago Miles had fallen into a downward spiral.

He passed it off as just partying too hard on tour. Trying to convince his bandmates and manager that it was nothing more than a bit of overindulgence in the party lifestyle. They didn't need to know what was actually going on in his head. He hardly ate but had been drinking excessively, spending a great deal of time alone, isolating himself from the others he was on the road with in favor of the company of strangers who wouldn't be able to see through his fake smile. Strangers never asked him what was the matter. After a month of shows, several of the last ones were pulled because Miles was in such bad shape. His manager had said they would reschedule them when he got his act together.

It was exactly a month after his own record had come out that the Arctic Monkeys new album dropped. Miles was already home in London at that point. Against better judgment he went out and picked it up on the first day, listening to the whole thing several times. Remembering the times hanging around the studio while they'd been recording. One song stood out to him ' Reckless Serenade' He didn't remember hearing it during any of the sessions which meant it had to have been added on later or he hadn't been meant to hear it. Miles couldn't help but get the feeling that it was about him... He didn't get out of bed for the next 3 days after that. For that reason, he'd never listened to AM, not more than the unavoidable songs on the radio. Even then he would usually change the station. 

Miles had the overwhelming feeling that if tonight went badly he'd end up on another backslide. He had too much at stake at the moment to let that happen. He was supposed to be starting on his third solo album soon. His second record had not gone over as well as he'd hoped it would probably due to the fact that there was something obviously missing from the sound. That missing puzzle piece was Alex. Alex had helped him make something beautiful with Colour of the trap. The next album was for the most part about Alex, instead of with him. He'd been telling himself that this Third try would be neither of things.

After an afternoon of pacing, drinking, and trying desperately to decide what to wear. It was finally time to go and meet up with Alex. He'd spent a good deal of time trying to locate his Death Ramps ring. He'd thrown it somewhere in the move and never bothered to take it out because he didn't want to look at it. He couldn't bring himself to see it every day. He had eventually found it and now sat in the back of the cab, twisting it around his finger trying to settle himself down.

Across town, Alex stood outside the small restaurant smoking a cigarette and praying that Miles would actually show. He had a lot of things to say to him, some of which he knew Miles might not want to hear. That's why he'd picked this place. It was usually fairly quiet on a weeknight. That had been part of why they'd liked it so much to begin with. It offered them a place they could go and actually be able to talk without being noticed. Alex occasionally had trouble with fans recognizing him when they were out, Miles did as well but to a lesser extent.

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