12. First Impression of the Century

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A/N: I got a day off today so I ended up decided to be lazy sit on the couch at the hotel and write a long chapter this time! Things are finally starting to even out so I get a little more time. Found an apartment to move into this week so at least the stress of looking is over with and I don't have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off panicking about a place to live. I really feel much better now and some of the stress is receding. Hope you enjoy this one. As always your feedback is super duper appreciated and It makes my day brighter. I love you all completely and totally! Enjoy!

Of all the things that Alexa Chung had expected on a rainy Brooklyn afternoon it had not been a call from Miles Kane of all people asking her if she'd like to come out to LA for a visit. Being that the winter had been frigid in the city, and the spring didn't seem to be getting much better she decided that she could stand some warm weather and she wouldn't mind seeing Miles and Alex.

That's how she came to where she stood now, outside Miles new building where her cab had just dropped her from the Airport. Miles had offered to come and pick her up, but she'd caught a red eye flight and didn't particularly want to make him get up so early. She knew how Miles could be in the morning. She rang the buzzer for the 3rd floor, the tag next to it reading 'Kane', upon seeing that that outside door was locked. The door unlocked, letting her and make her way up to the 3rd floor.

An Exhausted-looking Miles answered the door with a sleepy grin on his face. "Good morning love, you have a nice flight?" He asked, stepping aside to let her in and taking her bag.

"Slept through most of it, that was nice," Alex said. "Wow Miles you weren't kidding about this place, it's absolutely gorgeous."

"Right? It's just now all starting to come together. Al and I had a bear of a time with the furniture and such, gettin' it all together took quite a lot of time."

" I can imagine either of you assembling furniture..." Alexa said, almost laughing.

"Lot of profanity and repeated giving up." Miles laughed, starting a pot of coffee.

"So what made you decide to move out here?" Alexa asks over her coffee cup as they sit at the kitchen table a bit later.

"Well, should be obvious isn't it? What on earth could make me want to leave Cold, rainy England for Warm sunny California full of beautiful women and-"

"It has to do with Alex don't it?"

"Of COURSE, it has to do with Alex. Mind you there are other reasons but of COURSE, it's to do with Alex. We're making another record you know?" Miles said.

"Yeah, I heard from the internet. You know, one of your could have taken two seconds to shoot me a simple text. Hi, we're mates again, going to write some new tunes why don't you come visit sometime." Alexa teased

"We're terrible friends aren't we?" Miles asked.

"I assumed you'd both just been Busy. Got an invite to Al's wedding that must keep him running around planning with that Catalina girl of his and you well... Miles what do you do when you're not playing music?"

"Well I'd have to be dead cause I'm never not playing music. I was getting ready to do another record. Had some studio time already booked, then I got one of those invitations as well except mine came with an Alex attached to it showing up and wanting to patch things up." Miles said. " I'm going to be his best man!"

"oh, ouch, I'm sorry Miles. How do you feel about that one?" Alexa asked.

"Don't hurt me as much as it used to. I'm alright with it now. Cat is quite a sweet girl. I think you'll really like her. They're great together." Miles said. Alexa hadn't been expecting that. She'd thought Miles would be anything but happy for them. Angry, jealous, hurt maybe, not supportive.

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