25. Pretty Visitors

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A/N: Another one already?! What? yes, I couldn't leave it with a cliffhanger. I can't do that to you guys or myself for I love you all far too much to let you be sad. As usual, let me know what you think. I love your feedback. It's how I sustain life. thanks  <333

 Alex didn't sleep at all that night, he hardly even blinked keeping in mind what doctor Carmine had said. 'If he can make it through the night he'll be fine.' He stayed up the whole night with him gently stroking Miles' hair, holding his hand, recounting to him all the things he'd said while he was asleep and more to make sure Miles knew exactly how he felt about him. Alexa had eventually been allowed to join them. She now sat fast asleep in a chair by the window. She wasn't about to leave the two boys alone. Especially if something bad happened to Miles, someone would have to handle Alex and that someone would have to be her. Jason had stayed close by but figured it wasn't his place to be there with them so he kept himself in the waiting room, occasionally popping in to check up on the situation or bring coffee to Alex and Alexa.

Miles was in a great deal of pain but they'd done nicely to hop him up on pain medication in order to keep him comfortable the nurse came in every once in a while to check his vitals and administer more medication. The pain killers had made Miles a bit loopy but mostly just tired. He nodded in and out of sleep occasionally saying nonsensical preposterous things to Alex and Alexa. Some of which Alex had written down to use as possible song lyrics in the future, a few of them being quite poetic. Some of the things Miles blurted out were just unfiltered statements. One of which made Alex extremely uncomfortable.

" You and Al would have had a cute kid together." He told Alexa. " You're both fuckin' gorgeous, you know he's the prettiest thing I even seen in my bleedin' life and he's not even a bird. Hah, bleedin' get it? Cause that's what I been doin'"

" Miles," Alex warned.

" No really, I think you two should have a baby still then Al and I can raise it, like one of those what's they called? Circus moms?" Alex is about to put an end to this conversation when Alexa speaks up.

"You mean surrogate?" She asked

" Yeah that! Couldn't think of the word. Circus hah! Sorry, I'm a bit of a clown right now." Miles rambled.

" 's all that medication they've been pumping into you love. Got you doped up proper." Alex said trying to steer the conversation away from Alexa and children. How could Miles even think of asking Alexa who had in the past lost their child to put herself through carrying another of Alex's children only to take it away so he and Miles could raise it as theirs? Drugs or not how could he propose such a thing didn't he understand that he would be hurting Alexa by even insinuating that idea of-

"We can talk more about it when you're not high, but I wouldn't mind that," Alexa said pulling Alex from his thoughts.

" You serious?" Alex was shocked, to say the least.

"Well if it's something you guys wanted I wouldn't be opposed, we'll talk more when the time comes," Alexa said, blushing a bit

"Hah, see I have good ideas sometimes." Miles laughed until his laughs turned into a snore because he'd fallen back asleep.

It was 8:45 in the morning when the nurse finally told Alex that Miles condition was stable. His heard about lept out of his chest. He'd never been so happy in all his life.

" Hear that Mi?" He asked.

"Hear what?" Miles asked, still half asleep.

" You're safe now, it's going to be fine," Alex said.

"Great does that mean I can go home now?" Miles asked rubbing his eyes. He's not fond of hospitals never has been. He just wants to go home back to his apartment and cuddle up with Alex for a nice long nap.

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