39. I'm Sorry I met You Darling

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A\N: Yay for updates in a vaguely timely manner! ( lol I'm trying) There might be a couple more in the next couple of days. I'm sitting directly in the path of a tropic storm. WHAT UP HERMINE!!! BRING IT BRUH!!! No, but really it's no biggie just a lot of rain and me sitting inside writing since I get time off from work. My bestie Rachael and I were actually joking about the storm coming and I just need to share our awful puns with you. 

Me: Can it turn into a HurriKANE PLZ? 

Rachael: It could always TURNER into one!

And this is why we're stupid...anyways expect extra updates in the next couple days. Also, I might do one for this and then maybe one for the start of the Aviation prequel. What's better for rainy days then Smol puppets? Anyways, enjoy this one and let me know what you think <3

When they reached home the others weren't far behind. Alex carried Miles inside. He ignored the way his shoulder protested when he lifted him up. Owen offered to help, but Alex was having none of that. Miles tried to stop him but didn't have the energy. He tried to tell him with his words but didn't have enough breath. All that came from him was a soft whine that Alex interpreted as pain. He'd all but forgotten about his shoulder. It felt weak. He now felt the once numb burning sensation in it. He couldn't let the pain affect him. Not he who hid his emotions so well. Not he who would fight to protect that which he cared for most of all. He'd feared for a long time that someone would hurt Miles.

This wasn't a random act of violence like the stabbing. This was personal. It was close to them. Close to Cat. Alex still couldn't let go from his mind what could happen if their plan was to fail. The night before he'd spoken to Matt about it during the party.

"Matt I'm not sure about all this." He'd sighed to him. They were both in the yard playing horseshoes on the same team. The game was doubles with Nick and Jamie who were several points ahead of them currently.

"What do you mean?" Matt had asked.

"About Miles," Alex replied

"Really Al?" Matt gave Alex a disbelieving look. It was as if his friend's ridiculous statement was causing him physical discomfort. "You're going to stand here and seriously say to me that you're not absolutely in love with that wanker?" Matt pointed over to where Miles was sitting with Zach and James. He was repeatedly waiting until Zach would turn his head to talk to James. Then Miles would take his lighter and try to singe Zach's arm hair when he wasn't looking. Zach should have wised up to what he was doing at this point, but being as drunk as he was he still yelped in surprise every time.

"No, I don't mean like that? What are you daft? Of course, I know that I love him that's never been a problem." Alex clarified.

"Actually, that was a huge problem for the better part of a decade, but I understand what you mean." Matt pointed out.

"Point taken. I'm worried about the bachelor party tomorrow. I told you already I have concerns about us being around Cat's family. All of us, not just Miles and I. They're not exactly the safest people to associate with. If you'd seen..." Alex sighed. " Cat's got plenty of Scars to show what closeness with people like them gets you. Some of them she still refuses to explain the origins of."

Both Matt and Alex twist their heads in the other direction looking over to Where Cat, Alexa and Alicia are sitting by the pool , talking, and sipping their drinks. Cat is wearing the same sunflower bikini Alex has mentioned time and time again to be his favorite. To him, she was the most beautiful sunflower in the garden. The flower he'd selfishly wanted to Cut from its stem and put in a vase by the bed with the intent of admiring it. Taken from the earth a bloom like that would surely wither and die without its freedom. However, sunflowers are far from fragile. They grow thick on strong and sturdy stems that allow them to tower over the garden weeds that surround them. That's why they suited Cat so well in Alex's mind. She was resilient just like the sunflower itself. This was evident by the scars that crossed her torso and shoulders.

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