21. Fire and The Thud

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A/N: Wooooh new update. Sorry I've been a little slow had to do an update for one of my other fics and it's also been an INSAAAAANE 4th of July weekend down in the sunshine state people visiting, river parties, 2 concerts, and Fireworks. I have all the fireworks. So many fireworks :3 so I apologize for getting a little preoccupied. Anyways ENJOY and keep sending me all your lovely lovely feedback, y'all are the reason I keep writing this. LOVE YOU <3

 "Miles can we just... Can we just stop, please. I don't think this is going to work out tonight." Alex sighed, feeling much soberer than he had maybe an hour or so ago when they'd come back to Miles' apartment. Matt had thrown himself onto the couch, taking a moment to admire the beautiful windows in the space before promptly passing out. Ever since they stumbled into bed Alex had been desperately trying to get intimate with his wonderful, sexy boyfriend but his body was having none of it. He was too nervous about having to confront Cat in the morning to be able to get hard.

"Guess this is what happens to men our age," Miles said, attempting to lighten the mood. His trying backfired earning him a vicious glare from Alex.

"It's not funny Miles!" He complained. Alex isn't used to feeling so inadequate and it's not doing any favors for his ego.

"It's fine love, you're stressed, it happens sometimes,"Miles said, sitting up next to him in bed and rubbing his back but Alex quickly moves away, getting up to pace the floor. Worrying the spot of carpet in front of the bed with his bare feet so quickly back and forth Miles almost thought the rug may catch fire if he persisted. " Alex." He warned simply. " Come back to bed." When this sort of behavior there's never anything good to come of it. He'd pace and worry himself to death rather than sleep and then drink to compensate and make himself eventually pass out. Miles has just gotten Alex calmed back into his usual self, he's not about to let that slip away again.

"Don't tell me what to do Miles," Alex mutters under his breath.

" No need for that kin'a talk Al. I know you're upset but I've had enough of your attitude these last few days. I am not the problem here." Miles crossed his arms over his bare chest, staring the other man down. He's out of energy and out of patience. As much as he loves Alex he can be a bit of a chore to put up with sometimes.

" I know, you're right." Alex sighed, sitting on the edge of Miles side of the bed. " You deserve someone who treats you better than I do."

"Shut up Turner none of this self-deprecating bullshit either. Understand? You're more than good enough. We're people, we have flaws. You're a brat and I've got no patience." Miles said, sitting up so he's looking Alex dead in the eye. " I have learned to wait, and you've learned you can make me."

"Did you just quote your own song at me?" Alex asked, trying not to laugh. There's that smile that Miles so desperately wanted to see starting to reappear on his features.

"Maybe, but I did write it about you," Miles said.

"I don't know how I didn't figure it out. I was there when you wrote that song. I helped write that song!" Alex insisted.

"Guess you weren't paying much attention then were you?" Miles said smirking at Alex loving adoration written all over his face as if replaying the time they'd spent working on the song in his mind.

"Alright alright let me try. I bet there's at least one I snuck past you." Alex said. Miles laughed.

"You already sang me your whole last album, I know about reckless serenade!" he insisted. "And let's be honest Standing next to me was-"

"Yeah, always has been. But what about the pre-suck it stuff bet there're loads of things I wrote about you that you never picked up on."

"Just as long as cornerstone wasn't actually about me." Miles Joked earning him a playful push from Alex. Miles falls back onto his pillow looking up at Alex and biting his lip while Alex thinks, waiting silently with anticipation until Alex reaches down over his body so their faces are only inches away.

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