52. Quicksand

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Sorry that this took suck a long time to finish with not only the holidays but dealing with a recent car crash writing took a while to get around to.  Also,

Happy New year everyone!!!!!

So 2016 was a total failure for reasons I'm not going to bother with right now. Luckily I did have one great thing that made the last couple months a little brighter and that was finding my wonderful girlfriend who you might know as miracleofmilex. She's incredible and makes every day of a little better. I'm really looking forward to what 2017 will bring for both of us and all the ways we'll grow together. I'm so excited about my future with her <3 Sorry I'm rambling now but ssssh I'm in love let me enjoy it <333 

speaking of love I love you all and hope you really like this. Let me know what you think!

Alex isn't sure at what point he became the early riser in the house nor does he know when he started sleeping through the night without being constantly awoken. Since Miles has been by his side his anxiety sparked insomnia seems to have subsided a great deal. Part of him wonders if it was always like that when Miles was around, but he can't seem to recall the specific memories. Time seemed to pass in a whirlwind in the months that had followed their reunion. In that time he'd let a lot of things go on the back burner. For instance, he'd been neglecting to get a haircut for some time now. It was no longer his short sleek and sexy quiff he'd become used to in recent years but was now a long mop that he was currently attempting to slick back with far more gel than was necessary. He continued pushing bits out of his face and examining himself in the bathroom mirror until he heard a voice for behind him.

"Well well, look at you. Got somewhere special to go?" Miles asked.

"Nah," Alex would have been startled had he not been able to see the man in the mirror. He looked sleepy and disheveled. What remained of his short hair was tousled in all different directions. His gray sweatpants hung low showing off the dip of his hips. He was leaned against the door frame scratching the back of his left leg with a bare right foot. "Just going to get Alexa from the airport."

"Oh right. Forgot that was today." Miles said. With all the excitement the night before it had slipped his mind entirely. "So that's why you're slicking your hair back to look like Dracula then?"

"When I got up this morning my hair looked absolutely ridiculous since I went to sleep with it wet. You should have seen it. This was just the fastest way to make it stop." Alex sighed trying to pin down a few more fly-aways with another glob of gel that Miles thought smelled much too much like citrus for his liking. He prefers Alex to smell like Alex, not an orange.

"I bet you looked just as good as ever. No amount of crazy hair could make that face you've got any less spectacular." Miles said. Alex smiled as he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his middle and soft lips making contact with his shoulder and neck. "But you're going to put a shirt on before you go right? Or ya planning to give airport security a show?"

"Of course I'm going to put on a shirt, I was just dealing with the hair first. There's so much of it Mi! I need a hair cut! Badly!" Alex complained.

"I like your hair like this when it starts to get long," Miles said.

"Yeah, you and everyone else! I find it rather uncomfortable. It's always in my face and takes longer to get clean!" Alex complained. "The last time I had me hair long it was a nightmare."

"My favorite worst nightmare." Miles winked at Alex who was now pouting because he hates puns about his band! "Oh c'mon love it's too early for you to be angry with me." he said hugging Alex a bit tighter. "At least you look good with long hair. Remember the last time I grew mine out? It were a mess."

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