32. Ain't I Fallen in Love

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A/N: HI LOVELY PEOPLE! HERE HAVE A UPDATE! So I was thinking that since this is SO close to 10k reads I would do another bonus chapter for 10k like I did for 5k. I'm going to give you guys a choice on what you'd like for the bonus chapter. This time, I'm going to give you a choice on what it will be. It can either be a flashback to baby puppet Era or something cute from while Miles was healing/ the new house ( maybe even an expansion of their shadow puppet fort?) Let me know what you'd like better <3 Hope you enjoy this one let  me know what you think! LOVE YOU ALL!

 Only a hand full of days had passed before the group was back stateside. Alexa, of course, had opted to go home to New York City. There were many invitations extended for her to come and spend some time in Los Angeles. She had much to Miles and Alex's displeasure turned them down, but she promised to visit soon. Miles had decided it would be a good move for him to go and spend a few days in New York with Alexa. It would further reinforce their story if they were spotted together in the big apple looking nice and cozy. The pair made sure to be seen by the paparazzi at a number of exclusive night clubs during the evening. During the day they spent their time wandering around the city. They wasted time in far too many record shops and hanging around little Cafes in the village.

All and all it wasn't hard to look like a convincing couple. They made each other smile, which didn't take much to do. In any pictures that were snapped Miles always had a huge grin on his face. It wasn't difficult for him to look like he's in love, because he WAS in love. It just wasn't Alexa that he's in love with. He spent a great deal of his time gushing over Alex. Alex was all he talked about. Alex was the only thing on his mind at the moment. Alex Alex Alex. Now that he knew he could have him all to himself it had switched on something in Miles. Suddenly everything had become real to him. It was like the first day of spring. The ground was alive and humming. Everything felt  brand new to him once again. Any insecurities he'd once felt had been washed away leaving the clean scent of rain behind.

When Alexa was at work Miles had to do his best to occupy himself. He didn't mind wandering around New York a bit. He'd thought the trip would be uncomfortable thanks to the incident last time he visited. Having Jason stay close at hand made him feel much better about everything. At least he knew if a situation was to occur someone would be looking out for him. One day Miles wanderings had sparked a much-needed rise in press rumors for himself and Alexa. Not only had it riled up the press bit it had damn near given Miles a heart attack.

Miles had ventured up town to Columbus circle, right at the south edge of Central park. He'd come up to this side of town with a mission in mind. His mission? Getting to Tiffany's on 5th Ave. He was waltzing around the show room looking at things in the assorted cases when he felt someone clap a hand on his back. " Miles, how you doin' son? Those holes close themselves up yet?" he would recognize that thick New York accent anywhere.

"Mr. Mazzeo!" He turned around, trying to look both surprised and happy by the man's presence. " Nice to see you again sir. Yeah, they're healing up pretty alright. The wounds are mostly gone now." He felt like a deer in the headlights, or a child caught doing something naughty.

"So what brings you here kid?" Mr. Mazzeo asked, slapping Miles on the back again. The impact nearly knocked the air from his lungs. Miles had to quickly think of a reason other than his actual purpose. Luckily with the publicity surrounding himself and Alexa, it wasn't hard to cover.

" Looking for a present for 'Lexa. It was Our six- month last week. Thought I'd get her something special." Miles lied. Although, now that he came to think of it, maybe he ought to get something for Alexa to thank her for being such a good sport in all this madness.

"Believe me, if there's one thing you learn as you get older it's that diamonds are always the answer." Mr.Mazzeo laughed. "I just picked out something for the wife myself. Had a bit of a disagreement that's landed me in the dog house if you know what I mean." He held up a blue bag in his hand and gave Miles a warm smile. Miles couldn't help but smile back.

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