48. I Wanna Be Yours

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A/N: This chapter is basically my apology for all the horrible things I've done recently. I hope this sort of makes up for some of it because I don't want you to be heartbroken anymore. So here GRATUITOUS FLUFF! I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween. What did you dress up as? Let me know! and Let me know what you think of this. Enjoy my loves <3

    After weeks of physically intense training, the cool grass felt wonderful against the bare skin of Miles' back. The only thing that felt better was Alex's warm cheek resting against his shoulder while he drew feather-light circles with his fingertips across Miles' navel. " You know I think I had a dream like this once. Or it ended like this at least, but in my dream, we were in France."

"Oh yeah, the one with the video camera. I remember you telling me about that one." Miles smiled pressing a kiss to Alex's hair.

"Can we stay here forever? I think this might by my new favorite place." Alex said. " It seems so unreal it almost feels like this is a dream... I'm not dreaming am I Mi?"

" No, no I don't think so unless we're having the same dream." Miles laughed.

" Mmm, I've missed the sound of your laugh these last few weeks." Alex smiled kissing Miles neck.

"I could say the same for you. Your laugh, your smile, everything about you Al. I'm still so sorry for-"

"No, stop apologizing. Ok? I just want to put this behind us, and you've already said sorry so many times this evening that your tongue might fall right out of your mouth." Alex insisted.

"That's not the only skilled thing my tongue can do," Miles said tilting Alex's head up to catch his lips. " How about I just say that I love you instead?" He asked when they broke their kiss. Alex couldn't help but giggle at the gesture. He was practically giddy, high on love.

"I love you too Miles. You're... you're so wonderful and I love you so much and you know what else I love? The smell of Christmas trees. I think it's one of my favorite things in the world." Alex said inhaling as a breeze swept the fresh scent around them.

"I do know how much you love Christmas," Miles said.

"Do you remember the first time we spent Christmas together?" Alex asked.

"Oh yes ,that god awful Airport in New York. Guess that's what we get for staying in town an extra two days." Miles said laughed. " I called my mum and she cried for half an hour because it was the first time I missed Christmas at home."

"And the only thing that was open was the terminal was that shit little doughnut stand," Alex recalled.

"You bought every apple donut they had and then paid the guy to make another batch." Miles laughed. " You gave them to everyone we ran into in the hotel lobby."

"Then we watched A Christmas Story for twelve hours straight." Alex reminded him.

"Did we really watch it THAT Many times, though. I seem to remember it a little differently." Miles let a devious smirk grow across his face.

"Oh and tell me what exactly is it that you remember?" Alex's smile was showing just the same as he kissed Miles.

" I remember kissing you a lot. I remember drinking of cheap booze we got from the duty-free shop." Miles said kissing Alex. " I remember taking a bath in our underwear in that ridiculous tub together, wrestling still soaking wet on the bed." Alex was starting to turn redder by the second as he has a rather vivid memory of what Miles was about to say next. " And then you on the desk, my lips on your neck, I got so close to finally-"

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