43.Suck it and See

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A\N: These chapters just keep getting longer oh my god. Well, it's for a good cause. This will be the last chapter of the studio Arc!!! As sad as I am that they will be done with Malibu after this it's been a good run and I'm excited about all the things still planned to come. ESPECIALLY THE CHAPTER AFTER THIS ONE! Which oh god I've been waiting to write THIS ENTIRE TIME and will probably be my favorite thing I get to do in this fic. Which makes me curious do any of you have a favorite chapter so far? I'd love to know what they are! Also a slight warning. This is a happy chapter, happy chapters usually get smut. There's a leeetle at the beginning but the last part is basically gratuitous smut that I had way to much fun writing :D. I really how you all like this! Let me know what you think! <333

 The morning after their date Miles woke up to his phone ringing. " Miiiiles, Miles make it stop," Alex complained, hiding his head under the pillow. He doesn't want to get up just yet. Who even calls this early in the morning? It's hardly Seven they won't need to get up and get working for at least another hour yet. No one else will be up.

Miles sentiments about the obnoxious tone are damn near identical to Alex's. Who on earth is trying to talk to him this early? It better be either his mum or an emergency to be disturbing him at a time like this. He reached for his phone with every intention of tossing it across the room, only briefly looking at the caller ID. He was shocked, to say the least by the name that appeared. " Hold on a sec. It's Paul." He said sitting up and answering his phone with a sleepy salutation. " Paul, how are ya mate?"

Alex briefly cracked an eye open to glare at Miles an exaggerated frown. How dare Miles answer his phone at a moment like this. How dare he get up out of bed to talk to anyone Paul Weller included! What sort of nerve, getting up and searching for his underwear adding a "Nah, I'm not busy." He most certainly was busy! He should be in bed cuddling with Alex. In Alex's mind THAT COUNTS AS BUSY. After a whole night of pouring their souls out to each other and sex that was mind blowing ( if a little difficult with their injuries) He figures he's entitled to a proper cuddle and another hour of sleep until they have to drag themselves into the studio. Alex turned his back to the door and pulled the blanket up so nothing but angry eyes and hair stuck out the from the top. He's having none of this!

Miles re-entered the room about fifteen minutes later, shuffling around for something in his suitcase. He figured Alex had dozed off again till he rolled on his back to glare at the ceiling refusing to look at Miles. Over the top of the covers, still hiding half his face. Miles couldn't help but laugh at the look and ruffled Alex's hair. "Somebody's grumpeh today."

"What was so important that you couldn't have called back in an hour?" Alex snapped.

"Aw, it's not like that little puppet. C'mon Paul never calls me! I thought it might be something big like wanting to work on another track or-"

"Well, you're busy! Or do I not keep you busy enough? Need another side project?" Alex asked. He's not entirely sure why he's so angry, but now that he's woken up to a bad start and with a sore arm it's hard to shake. Miles was a bit blindsided. Sure he was used to Alex's occasional pouting but this was something else.

"What's really bothering you Al?" Miles asked, stroking Alex's hair. Alex started to come back out from his hiding place look softening into a sort of sadness.

"We had such a good night last night. I mean..." Miles had finally talked to him. They discussed things on the beach they'd been avoiding for years and even more when they'd returned to Shangri-La. In Alex's mind, that was a huge deal for them. " I was just looking forward to waking up with you this morning. That's all. I didn't expect you to jump right up and start talking to someone else without so much as a good morning."

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