The Truth will Set them Free

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I Quit- Part 2

Shuichi groaned as he woke up. He ignored all the notifications on his phone, clasped his locket on and stared at himself in the mirror. A miserable, pathetic person stared back at him.

All this beauty... all this intelligence... and for what? I'm worthless... I finally made it big when I became an Ultimate. And what did I do? I quit.

With the tired and bored expression on his face, Shuichi almost looked like Izuru. Shuichi sighed.

5 seconds since I woke up and this day already sucks..., the boy sighed to himself, I need breakfast... Maybe a nice full American breakfast with a hot cup of tea would help me clear my mind.

Shuichi went on his motorbike and drove around, following the directions of google maps to find his way to the restaurant. He ordered his food and enjoyed it happily.

But things started to get weird. Shuichi was the very first customer in the restaurant he dined in, and he was quick to notice the strange stare that one of the staff gave him. Some other customers also pointed at him and whispered as they came into the restaurant. What on earth was going on?

Shuichi quickly ate his food, in the most elegant way possible, due to force of habit, and left. He made sure to leave a nice tip for the waiter though, not too big, not too small. Because of other cars, it was quite a walk from the restaurant to his bike, and it was the worst walk ever. He couldn't see who, but he could feel their gazes piercing through his back. It was a sensation he hated. Shuichi had been through this multiple times, but that was because of his appearance, the stares he received now were not of admiration, but of "hey look, that guy's a criminal". Shuichi wanted, no, needed his hat, but he had left it at his apartment, and so he was forced to endure the stares.

His brisk walk soon turned into a run as he dashed towards his motorbike and he was more than glad to put his helmet on and ride back home. He felt safe, a little tight because he didn't have the time to put it on properly, but safe.

Shuichi had never been a people person. In fact, the fame he received after becoming an Ultimate was one of his worst nightmares. Every time someone talked to him, his heart rate would speed up and his body would start to shake. Shuichi had always understood books better than people, and he was fine with that. So you can imagine his absolute horror when he saw a huge group of teenagers crowded around his apartment. He quietly ran away.

What is happening?! he panicked. His phone dinged again and he irritatedly grabbed it. He gasped.

Due to his exhaustion from the previous day, Shuichi had forgotten to unsubscribe to the Hopes Peak Blog. Now, as the Ex-Ultimate Detective checked the Hopes Peak News, his eyes widened and he gasped.

His face, his name was all over Hopes Peak News (on the private news, of course, the news that the public couldn't access). The Ultimate Journalist had filmed his speech and posted it for all of Hopes Peak Academy students to rewatch! I mean, at least it wasn't internationally public, but Hopes Peak still had A LOT of students, way too many for Shuichi to handle.

And it wasn't just that, oh dear... Almost every student agreed with Shuichi and admired him! There were even rumours of a cult now! With him as the god figure! Almost everyone wanted to follow Shuichi's example and quit! Hopes Peak was in chaos!

What have I done...

Shuichi fearfully peered out from the wall and spied on the group of teenagers. They were Ultimates, every single one of them. Shuichi knew this because he recognized them (and also because some of them had badges). They were talking amongst themselves excitedly.

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