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Memories- Part 2

Hajime POV

I have been having strange dreams lately. Each and every dream would be the exact same. I would sit in a lake of gold with the sun smiling warmly at me as gorgeous flowers of blue blossomed around him. The lake would then change to a frightening shade of neon pink, the sun would shrivel up into pathetic nothingness, and all the flowers would wilt, leaving me, once again, imprisoned in that endless realm of darkness.

Despite the conditions that all of us were stuck in, for the next few days, our lives continued peacefully. Of course, Monokuma still showed up to bother us, but we decided to simply ignore him.

Over a short period of time, Mikan had grown quite protective of Shuichi. She was always mindful of his condition and worried about him much more than she cared about herself. Soon, she decided that the hospital Shuichi stayed in was too far away from everyone and demanded that he stay in someone else's mini cottage.

Mikan was more than glad to offer Shuichi a spot in her own cottage, but I was there to intervene. It would be rather strange if Shuichi stayed with Mikan since the two were of opposite genders. Hiyoko and Kazuichi were the first to point this out.

Plus, I had a small ulterior motive of my own. I could no longer deny this weird urge to remain by Shuichi's side. It was almost as if Shuichi was a magnet, constantly attracting my full attention whenever he came into view.

I was prepared, at least, I thought I was. I was totally ready for any sudden faintings or occasional mood swings. However, I was not ready for Shuichi's unusual... habits.

Shuichi slept, a lot. But that wasn't the problem. 

Shuichi slept whenever, and wherever, he wanted to. "Wherever" included the floor, the bathtub, underneath the sink, in the closet, underneath the table, hanging from the ceiling, on the couch, behind the TV, outside the hut, on the roof; basically anywhere, but on the bed. 

Apparently, Shuichi had something against comfort.

I couldn't bring myself to be angry... just... slightly frustrated and rather perplexed. For Shuichi's sake, it would be better to sleep on a proper bed.

. . .

"HOLY- G-Good morning Shuichi..." I said politely. Shuichi rubbed his eyes, yawned and slowly crawled out from under the bed. "I almost stepped on you..."

When Shuichi let out a small tired whine, I smiled gently and patted his head, admiring how his hair was always silky smooth despite him not actually making any effort to maintain it.


"Yes, yes, we can go for breakfast once we're finished getting ready," I said. "Wait here, I won't take long. Don't go back to sleep."

While I was occupying the bathroom, Shuichi fell asleep again, this time with his foot hanging off the bedpost. After wasting 7 minutes attempting to wake Shuichi up, Mikan came knocking at my door wondering why Shuichi wasn't at the restaurant yet. 

When Shuichi heard Mikan's voice, he immediately woke up.


We got ready as fast as we could, put on our swimsuits and made our way to the beach. I carried Shuichi all the way. For a boy his age, he was surprisingly light, and it was no wonder. 

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