I Have Done Nothing!

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Fun Fact: this concept is actually a copy from the backstory for one of my OCs in another story (except that the OC is the background character, not the main character)

I don't know why, but a lot of my concepts/AUs have songs that really really match them. For example, the song for this chapter would be the English cover of "Anthropophobia" by JudyPhobic.

"What's a toddler doing here? This is a maximum security prison."

"Don't let his cute looks fool you. He's probably here for a reason."

"Be on your guard. I don't want to take any chances."

"He's just a kid... he doesn't even look 5 yet."

"That boy's not just any kid. He's their kid."


"Oh, yeah, I can see it."

A tiny boy walked down the big hall of the prison. He had golden eyes, dark blue hair and chubby cheeks. He took small steps, huffing quietly with every step, not paying any mind to the dirt beneath his feet or the dangerous criminals staring at him with confused faces.

The boy took slow steps up a large flight of stairs, slowly climbing over every step. He stopped at two huge metal doors.

"What's the kid doing at solitary confinement?" a criminal asked a new prison guard. The guard paled in response, his hands quickly travelling to his gun holster.

"Mama. Papa." the little boy whispered, making grabby hands at the doors.

"Shuichi?" came a surprised, feminine voice. The doors then opened, revealing a tall and gorgeous woman with the same dark silky hair as her son. When she saw him, her eyes lit up and she scooped him into her arms. "There you are, my baby!"

The prison guards, seeing her escape solitary confinement so easily, quickly prepared their weapons and charged for her. However, before they could reach her, the other cell door flung out of its hinges, knocking all the guards back onto the first floor. From the other cell door, emerged a lean, muscly man with a stern face.

"Papa." Shuichi made grabby hands at the man. He smiled and pinched the boy's cheeks, making him whine and then laugh. 

"I was wondering when my useless little brother would let you visit."

This familial moment was quickly interrupted when hundreds of guns were aimed at the two parents.

"Get back in your cell immediately." the warden demanded. He was standing far away and was using a megaphone to speak to them, causing his voice to sound a bit static.

"Hah?" the father said. His voice got deep and dark and the terrorist glared at everyone menacingly. Chills went down everyone's spines. However, the kid, who was nuzzling in his mother's neck, didn't seem bothered at all. 

"We've been good prisoners," the father said. "We could have escaped easily, but we didn't. We chose to serve our time here. We don't cause unnecessary trouble and we follow the rules."

"Well, most of them." the mother, an infamous serial killer, commented, smiling. Unlike the other prisoners, she refused to wear the orange jumpsuit (and the guards were too scared to oppose her). Instead, she sported a tight black dress with boots.

"All we ask for," the father said, ignoring his wife's comment. "Is a little bit of alone time with our son."

"Of course, you can always say no..." the mother smiled,  but her eyes darkened and a sadistic smile slowly formed on her face. "But I can't guarantee that you'll make it out of here alive..."

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