That Kid...

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Warning: includes rape and gore and MORE ANGST

Idk who drew the picture but I just LOVE IT.

(I sort of headcanon that the Saihara family is very prosperous so Shuichi went through a lot of pressure ever since birth. Maybe that's the only reason Canon Shuichi became an Ultimate in the first place

I also think that Shuichi feels guilty for his parents abandoning him. He's definitely the kind of person who thinks that he wasn't good enough so he tries his best with his uncle)

"HEY!" a man yelled out in the busy detective agency. "If it isn't Japan's best detective; Shinto Saihara!! Late as always. Wassup?!"

As the two men got closer, he whispered to his friend.

"Let me guess? You stayed up all night solving cases again?"

Shinto chuckled awkwardly before replying to his best friend, saying: "Sorry Chikao, but I just couldn't go to sleep. All those people are depending on me to solve their cases."

Chikao sighed dramatically.

"Did you at least have breakfast?"

Shinto's face gave the answer away.

"Seriously man? You've been like this ever since middle school" Chikao groaned. He then grabbed his hand and started dragging him out the door. "Come on! Let's go get coffee."

. . .

The two detectives sat down outside the cafe, sipping on their coffee. Shinto had a plain black coffee while Chikao had a custom order that was way too long and a pie. One was diligently scrolling through his phone, looking through emails and texts and sorting out the cases that he would solve today. The other was just using his friend's lack of self-care to slack off.

When the detective finished his coffee, he carelessly tossed the empty cup behind his back. The coffee cup flew in the air before landing perfectly into a far away trashcan, to which Shinto didn't even bat an eye.

"How the hell do you do stuff like that?" Chikao asked as he stuffed another forkful of lemon pie into his mouth. The policeman, having watched Shinto do spectacular things ever since a young age, wasn't as surprised as the nearby waitress and the other passerby. "It's not just you, your entire family is amazing. Like your parents own one of the most prosperous companies ever and your sister-"

At the mention of his sister, Shinto's face darkened.

"Right... we don't talk about Aina-"

"Atatatata!" Shinto shushed him. "We don't talk about her."

"Hey... is something wrong?" Chikao asked, putting down his fork. "You're usually not this quickly agitated when it comes to your sister."

Shinto groaned before showing his friend his phone.

"She texted me this morning, then blocked me," he said angrily. The man was gripping his phone so hard that Chikao feared that it would crack. "That fame-obsessed bitch had a baby, but she abandoned it. Said that it would get in the way of her acting career."

"What?! Seriously?!"

Chikao quickly finished his drink and gobbled up the rest of his pie. He then yelled incoherent words at his friend, who lurched away in confusion and slight disgust as pie crumbs sprayed him all over.

"Come on we gotta go! We gotta go save the baby!" Chikao yelled after swallowing the coffee-pie mixture in his mouth. He quickly stuck his tongue out. "Bleh! That was gross. BUT WHATEVER! KID! LEGGO!"

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