Always Giving, Always Losing- Pt 3

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Get up... Get up...

There is no time to rest! There is still so much work to do!

I opened my eyes but... everything was so... blurry. Through my clouded vision, I managed to recognize my surroundings; I'm in my bed, alone.

What happened? I was... walking, then... my legs went... weak... like... jelly! My eyelids got... 10000 times heavier and... everything went... black. Did I faint in the middle of the party?! Oh no... 

Get up... Get up...

I tried to move but... my body didn't respond. My nervous system wasn't working... my brain wasn't working...


I forced myself to move. As usual, it worked; my body finally moved. My arms were so... shaky, barely functional, and my eyes were closing. I pushed through. It took me all of my strength, but my arms finally got me up. At least... for 2 milliseconds. Soon, I found myself collapsing and I tumble off the bed, hitting the bedside table.

I... have to... get... up...

No matter how much I struggled, I couldn't get back up again. It was so strange... usually... this tactic worked... why isn't it working now...?

I just lay there on the floor. My eyes were closing again... but I couldn't...

Someone's in my room. They're rushing towards me. How did I not hear them come in...? My vision showed me that they were picking me up... but... I didn't feel anything. I... couldn't... see their face... It's so blurry... The colours were all... mixing together... It's a fuzzy mess...

The person's talking... I think... I didn't hear anything... Everything was quiet... pure silence... I could only make out their lips; they're moving... I... think...

There are much more important things to be focusing on! I... have to... GET... UP...!

My arm was so shaky, trembling as it reached for the bedside table. I grabbed onto it as tight as I could (which turned out not to be very tight) and forced myself up. I got onto my feet for a full second before I stumbled and slammed my head against the wall.

I'm so... tired...

"Where... is...... Ei..."

Those words barely come out of my mouth. My throat hurt so much, and it was only 3 words. 

How long... have I... been sleeping...

The person in front of me speaks. I compel my eyes to operate and I read their lips.

"School has just finished. She'll be home soon."

"Where... is... Ei..." I repeat. I swayed and tripped over air, unable to stay still. My body slumped pathetically against the wall and I could only see through the small crack underneath my eyelids. "Is... she... s...afe...?"

And then I slipped off the wall and collapsed. Just as I was about to hit the floor, the blur zooms forward and catches me... at least... that was what my eyes told me. Something warm touched my lips; a kiss.

My eyes started closing again and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop it. The person smiled. As my eyelids slowly shut, I manage to see their final message to me:

"Please rest... let us take care of everything..."

Shuichi Saihara OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now