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A.N: These one-shots will mostly be different AUs. I will put the extra information at the top if needed.

"Kiibo! How could you do this?!"

"I thought robots weren't allowed to hurt humans!"

"Kiibo, WHY!"

"We trusted you! You were our friend!"

The robot didn't respond. He just laughed evilly.

"Did you really believe that we were actually friends?" he said monotonously. "And I actually thought you were clever. That was a miscalculation on my part."

He put his hands in a gun position and covered half of his face with it.

"You were never my friends. You were all but pawns in this game of death." the robot said.

"You killed b̶͎̩̼͚̎͊͋e̷̠̝̱̦͉̜͒ͤ́̌v̙͍͉͕̦̍ͤ̕r̛̪̘̰̬͉̙̣̬͒ͭ͗h̴͎͇̤̦͗͑x̍͑̋͏̭̮̪̟͚̥̰! Why Kiibo, TELL US WHY!"

The 4 people that stood with him on the podiums looked at him, betrayed looks on their human faces. Some wept like surly drunks and some stood there angrily, tears escaping their eyes.

"Oh yes... her." the robot mused. "It was her own fault, she shouldn't have kept pushing my buttons. It was partially my fault too, it was never intended for you to find out about that murder, I guess I'm getting a bit rusty."


"It does mean nothing." His eyes darkened. The glare he sent the 4 sent shivers down all of their spines. "Your measly human lives are mean nothing. You chose this destiny, you gave your lives to Danganronpa. This is all your faults."

"Shut up, Kiibo!"

"How dare you..."


"HOW DARE YOU!" the foolish boy shouted. "HOW DARE YOU PRETEND TO BE OUR FRIEND! ALL THOSE TALKS ABOUT UNDERSTANDING AND CARING FOR HUMANITY, IT WAS ALL BULLSHIT WEREN'T IT?" he took a while to catch his breath before whispering, just loud enough for everyone to hear. "You're sick... you're not human... AND YOU NEVER WILL BE!"

It took a second, but then the robot gasped to himself, his eyes widening.

. . .

Three large splatters of blood stained the floor. Rocks and debris fell from the sky like meteors. As he was about to advance upwards, the boy in black grabbed his hand.

"Enough... please. The mastermind is dead... and so is everyone else. Please... stop this..." he pleaded. The robot turned away sadly.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I have to honour my end of the deal. I will sacrifice myself in the name of Hope."

"Hope? This isn't hope!" the boy yelled. "Please! I'm begging you... stop this madness... please... stay with me."

"I..." the offer was tempting. But... as much as he wanted to, he couldn't say yes. Suddenly...


The boy grabbed the robot and spun them around, pushing him on the floor. Just as he did, a huge rock impaled the boy in the chest. The robot's eyes widened in horror and he quickly caught his bleeding friend before he could hit the ground.

"҈S҈-҈u҈-҈c҈҈h҈... why..." he whispered to his friend, who was barely breathing at this point. "I could have taken that!"

His friend chuckled painfully.

"Call it... reflex... I guess..." he murmured. Shakily, the boy in black stained with pink raised his hand and caressed the robot's cold cheek.

"Kiibo..." he whispered through laboured breathing. "You... will always... be human to me..."

The hand then fell as the boy's eyelids drooped. He lay there, in the arms of the robot... dead.

It took a while for the robot to process his friend's kind words. It took another 5 to realize that he was dead.

He screamed. All of his agony, pain and sadness came exploding out of him like an uncontrollable volcano. But as much as he wanted to cry, he couldn't. His friend believed him to be just as human as he was, but that doesn't change the undeniable fact: Kiibo is a robot.

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