Ever After High- Danganronpa

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This is an Ever-After-High x Danganronpa one-shot. I couldn't decide so I decided to mix it.

Everyone's personality is mostly the same.

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived the world of Ever After High. A high school for the teenage sons and daughters of the most famous fairytale characters that ever lived. It was a world of wonder and magic. A kingdom that prospered peacefully under the rule of Celestia White, who was known far and wide as Snow White for her pale skin.

There was one rule in Ever After High, each and every student enrolling must pledge to uphold their parent's legacy and fulfil their destinies, repeating their parents' stories. And this is where our story starts; the love story between Kaito Huntsman, the son of The Huntsman, and Shuichi White, son of Snow White.

It was a hot sunny day in Ever After High and Shuichi Saihara was enjoying his afternoon tea in Angie Hatter's family tea shop. Kokichi Cheshire was also there, sipping cold milk and telling Shuichi silly jokes. As usual, many people in the tea shop were staring at Shuichi with admiring eyes.

Shuichi didn't look bothered on the outside, but he was dying on the inside. You see, Shuichi White was nothing like his mother. Not only did the two have very different appearances, Shuichi's shy, but bashful nature was also the complete opposite of his mother's cold and strict personality. The one similarity they shared was that they both put on fake personas in public; Celestia being much kinder to those outside her family and Shuichi becoming this perfect, confident prince.

"Hey, Shuichi, aren't gonna order any food?" Kokichi asked as he threw some biscuits into another person's hair, stuffing another in his mouth. Shuichi gasped, got up and immediately helped clean the blushing person's hair. He apologised before turning back at Kokichi.

"No, I have... plans..."

"Curious..." the cat-boy murmured as Shuichi waved goodbye. He stared at his biscuits, threw all of them at Angie, and giggled. After he disappeared, only his smile remained visible for a short time before disappearing too.

"Who threw that at Angie?!"

. . .

"Shuichi! You made it!" Kaito Huntsman said. The smile on his face was so big that Shuichi wouldn't help but smile back 

"Well, I did say that I'd come." Shuichi responded. Kaito put his axe down and tried to kiss Shuichi, but his boyfriend leaned back. 

"Kaito, you're all sweaty!" the prince complained. Kaito looked at himself and laughed.

"Sorry baby!" he chuckled. Shuichi blushed at the nickname. "I was hard at work. I know that you prefer staying indoors so I had to impress you."

He pushed Shuichi around and led him away from their meeting spot and deeper into the forest.

"Well...? What do you think?"

Shuichi gasped in surprise. Kaito had led him into a little island surrounded by water. On the island was a huge tree with vines that had glowberries on them. In front of the tree, there were two stumps for seats and a hand-made table decorated with flowers. 

"Oh, Kaito..." Shuichi smiled, tiptoeing and kissing his boyfriend gently on the lips. "It's perfect."

"I knew you'd like it!" Kaito grinned, hugging Shuichi, almost knocking off his crown. "Ok, so here's the plan! We're gonna have a nice picnic, I can show you around the forest, then we're gonna watch the stars before going back into the dorms."

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