I Lived

365 4 16

The photo is crap because I edited it using Paint 3D

A/N: the death order is a bit different in this fic. The people who are alive are: Korekiyo, Kiibo, Maki, Himiko, Tsumugi, Shuichi

Shuichi was an angel. That was the one thing that all 16 students agreed on. They were kidnapped, their memories erased, and they were forced by the evil animatronic bear Monokuma. Many students had already fallen, but Shuichi still went out of his way, out of his comfort zone to try and cheer everyone up. He truly cared for everyone and everyone cared for him, although, some were worried that his kindness would lead to his death considering the circumstances they were in. 

Shuichi was a nervous wreck when he was first shoved into the killing game. He was incredibly timid and stuttered with almost every word. He was smart, and quite a looker too, but his main flaw was his lack of self-confidence. As many trials passed, Shuichi slowly grew bolder and more confident in his detective abilities. However, the negative effects of the killing game took its toll on everyone, and after the death of Kaito and Kokichi, everyone else started to notice the uncharacteristic personality changes in Shuichi.

"It was Himiko," Shuichi said. His voice was flat and blunt, with no hint of sympathy or hesitation at all. He was certain of his verdict. "Himiko killed Angie"

"What?" Maki questioned. "I'm grateful that the suspicion is no longer on me, but are you sure it was Himiko?"

"She's right!" Himiko said. "I didn't kill Angie! I know that you're doing your best to solve this case, but I swear that I didn't do it!"

"Y-Yeah... There's no way that Himiko of all people would kill Angie so gruesomely." Kiibo added. "I mean, they were such good friends!"

"...Kiibo?" Shuichi said sweetly. Suddenly, his face fell, a dark shadow covered the top of his face and he glared at Kiibo. "How about shutting the hell up while I'm talking? If you don't plan on being useful, be a good little robot and stay out the way, okay?"

Everyone in the trial room gasped at Shuichi's sudden outburst.

"Eeek! Shuichi?" Kiibo said, surprised.

"Upupupu..." Monokuma said from all the way on top of his little throne. "It seems to me Mr Shuichi has already finished solving this case. And we're barely 10 minutes in!"

"I'm not sure about that..." Tsumugi mumbled. "It looks to me that Shuichi is getting a bit deluded..."

"Kahehehe..." Shuichi giggled as he glared at Tsumugi with atypical eyes. An unsettling aura surrounded the usually kind detective as he grinned.  "Kyahahaha! Deluded? Oh, you poor, naive little chump. Tsumugi, dear, how about you keep quiet unless you actually have something useful to say, which you never have."

"S-Shuichi...? What's wrong?!" Kiibo asked. He tried to reach for Shuichi's shoulders, but Shuichi ducked away.

"Ugh..." Shuichi groaned. "I'm tired of this. Since all of you gaggle imbeciles can't differentiate between your asses from your elbows, I'm going to slowly explain to you how Himiko did all of this."

And Shuichi began to thoroughly explain Himiko's crime. How she stabbed Angie in the back (literally), how she used a tarp to conceal and move the body. He even explained the reason why Angie's body was mauled and burned: to make it seem as if Kokichi's vengeful spirit killed her. By the time Shuichi had finished, Himiko was in tears.

"Of all people..." she sniffed. "I never expected you... to be this... cruel, Shuichi..."

Everyone else was silent. Shuichi was a very reliable person, so they were inclined to trust him. But their friend was crying so everyone was torn. All the evidence pointed toward Himiko, but could it be possible that Shuichi missed something? 

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