The Ultimate Matchmaker

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Shuichi's just tired of everyone's shit

Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective. He was an introvert. That much was obvious. He spent zero effort trying to hide the way he stood, walked, talked and distant himself from others. Even an idiot could tell that he preferred to be alone. Unfortunately, Shuichi's class were even stupider than idiots.

So here Shuichi was, the most popular guy in his class; the glue holding their friendships together. He was not a fan of it. He didn't even want to go to Hopes Peak in the first place, it drew too much attention. But the universe hated him and his evil parents had forced him into attending. 

Shuichi loved his friends, he really did, but sometimes, they were just too much.

It was currently science class and Shuichi was the ONLY one who was actually paying attention and diligently taking down notes. Even the teacher knew that, but at this point, he had lost hope in everyone else. As Shuichi's wrist moved fluently as he wrote, he shot Kaito, who sat beside him and was talking loudly to Maki (who sat behind Kaito), a nasty look.

I am SO not giving this guy my notes later. He can fail for all I care. 

But Kaito kept pestering him for the ENTIRE lunch break until he agreed to help him study for the upcoming test. Shuichi had no choice but to agree or his 'best buddy' would disrupt his precious reading time, AGAIN. Fortunately, Maki quickly noticed Shuichi's ready-to-commit-murder expression and twitching eye and dragged Kaito away.

Now Shuichi was in the dining room, repeatedly banging his head against the edge of the hard circular table.

"Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. Murder is-"

"Shuichi? Oh, darling... What's wrong?" someone said; a female.

"Why are you repeating 'murder is bad'? Should I be concerned?" another worried voice asked; a male.

"Hey, mom... Hey dad... welcome home... dinner is in the living room..." Shuichi said monotonously. His eyes were comically blank and he sounded miserable. He continued to bang his already bloody head on the table.

"Alright, that's enough!" his mother, Kyoko said. She grabbed her son by the shoulder, stopping him from further harming himself. She gratefully snatched a napkin from her husband and wiped her son's head. "What's wrong sweetie?"

"I dun wanna go to Hopes Peak anymore..." Shuichi groaned, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"What? Why? Hopes Peak is the most prestigious school in the whole of Japan! Is there something wrong with it?!" his father, the principal of the school, panicked. "What's wrong with the school?! I'll change it for you right away!"

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