Cursed Child

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This is a callback to my "That Kid..." fic. One of my first fics.

This is Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamakura's backstory. It will be much shorter than my other fics.

Hajime Hinata was a cursed child. Everything was his fault. He was always the one in the wrong.

Hajime Hinata was only 7. He didn't understand anything.

"You cursed child!" his father would always scream at him as he threw another beer bottle at his head. Sometimes, the bottles would hit him. The glass would pierce his skin. Hajime would cry. "If it wasn't for you, your mother would be alive right now!"

Hajime's mother died in a car crash. It was an accident, but for some reason, his father blamed Hajime. Hajime was there that day. He warned her. He told her to put down her phone. She didn't listen to him.

Hajime warned people. He tried to save them. But they never listened to him. So why was it his fault?

The children weren't any better. Rumours spread quickly and Hajime was regarded by all as a 'monster', a cursed child. The children feared him. They avoided him like the plague. The more daring one's bullied him. They threw things at him, laughed at him, and called him names. Hajime wanted to hurt them back, he wanted to make them feel the pain he felt every day, but he didn't do anything.

Hajime had a friend. He lived in his mirror. Hajime would sit in his room for hours, talking to his friend. His friend was a little weird, but Hajime didn't mind. They were like brothers, nothing could ever tear them apart.

However, Hajime's life was far from a happy one. The abuse continued. All the beatings, laughing, insults. They didn't stop.

One weekend day, his father was doing his work when Hajime entered his office. Just seeing that innocent little face pissed him off.

"What do you want brat?!" he shouted. Hajime didn't flinch the way he used to. He stared into the eyes of the man he was forced to call dad. His eyes were blank and empty. Hajime's father's eyes darkened and he slowly stood up, reaching for his gun. This had happened before, this was before Hajime had condemned his mother to her doom. 

"7:24," a blank voice spoke from Hajime's lips. The boy didn't seem to be in control of himself. It was as if he was possessed by a demon. "Turn off the TV."

They stood like that for a while. Hajime, with his eyes blank and his stature like one of a robot, and his father, his body shaking with his gun trained at Hajime's head. Hajime was the first to move. He turned around, opened the door, his eyes still blank, and simply exited the room.

"What the hell..."

Hajime's father spent the rest of the day in fear. His gun never left his side. But even after 7:24 passed, nothing happened. The day passed and when he woke up to find that nothing had happened, the man was infuriated and after he came back from work, Hajime suffered severe punishment.

"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?! HUH?!" he yelled as he slapped the boy so hard he fell to the floor. "YOU AND YOUR STUPID PRANKS?! ARE YOU GOOD FOR ANYTHING?!"

Hajime was bleeding from the head and had bruises all over his face and body. He was hugging his knees and crying as quietly as he could, scared to anger his father again.



Hajime did as he was told. He picked his injured body up and locked himself in the bathroom. The medkit was there and Hajime had taught himself how to bandage his wounds. Although, it was a little hard to see with all the tears fogging up his vision. When Hajime was done, he looked at the bandages all over his body and face. He started to cry. Underneath the sink, there were a bunch of towels stored there. Even though he always had to wash them afterwards, Hajime liked to hide in the cabinet and snuggle up against the fluffy towels as if they were blankets. He got in and made himself comfortable, using the towel to muffle his sobs.

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