Son of a Legend

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(I'm making it official, the internet is now my BFFL)

Blind Shuichi AU- Part 1

P.S: The uncle has dark blue eyes

A beautiful young woman with wavy white locks and blue eyes lay on the bed, exhausted out of her mind. She had just given birth to her son and the only thing her brain was able to register at the moment was that everything was white. The walls, the ceiling, the floor, the bed, the sheets; it was so plain and boring.

She took a few deep breaths, resting herself, and then got up. Soon, the doctor arrived with a kind smile and a small bundle in his arms.

"Here you go ma'am," he said, handing the baby over to her. "Your firstborn child. Isn't he beautiful?"

The woman gave her child a short look. Her child indeed was beautiful. He had soft cheeks, smooth skin and looked adorable. Despite this, the woman just nodded curtly and got up.

"Thank you, doctor," she said, grabbing her bags and going behind a folding screen to change her clothes. "I'll be taking my leave now."

The doctor nodded and left. The woman left the hospital, carrying her newborn in one hand. He still hadn't woken up yet. Well, that was going to change soon. Right before the woman left the hospital doors, she plastered a sweet, happy smile on her face. Her fake smile was immaculate, so perfect that it masked her frustration. She sent one last angry glare at the sleeping baby before heading out.

The second her foot left the hospital, she was bombarded by paparazzi and TV crew.

"Miss Shizue Saihara! You're finally out!"

"Miss Shizue Saihara! You've just given birth to your first child, how do you feel?!"

"Will your child affect your acting career in any way?! Do you have a plan?!"


They continued to bombard her with questions. The actress was smiling but inside her brain, she was yelling curses at the people. She really wasn't in the mood for an interview right now—what she wanted was to go home and sleep. Fortunately, her baby was ready to save the day. All the noise woke him up and he burst into loud tears. Everyone was quickly silenced.

"I'm really sorry," Shizue smiled sweetly, rocking her baby, trying to calm him down. "But little Shuichi needs rest, and frankly, so do I." She let out a fake laugh, her acting flawless as always. She continued to calm down her baby. Her fake loving mom acting quickly worked and little Shuichi soon stopped crying, finally opening his eyes. Everyone gasped.

"Oh, look at his eyes!" they whispered.

"He's adorable!" they whispered.

They were right. Shuichi had the most beautiful shade of golden eyes, just like their late grandmother.

Shizue usually ignored the people's comments. This boy was her child, obviously he would be gorgeous. She would have thrown him away and framed the doctors for switching her baby if he wasn't at least as pretty as a model. But there was one sentence that immediately caught her attention.

"He's pretty now, but just you wait 'till he's older. He'll definitely grow up to be prettier than his mom. Oh, how blessed."

This baby? More beautiful than her? Impossible...

As Shizue shakily got into the car, she looked at her child. Her eyes were wide with mixed emotions. Jealousy, fear and hatred. Her child didn't even acknowledge her! He was just staring at the insides of the car, purposely ignoring the one who birthed him.

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