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Note: I wrote this before, but it was so low effort that I absolutely hated it. So I unpublished it and rewrote it.

King of Mean- Part 3

Kokichi POV

"The culprit who killed Miu is Gonta Gokuhara!" I shout, grinning. "This is the truth you all adore so much!"

Everyone looks so surprised, even Gonta himself. Of course, the only clever person who understands my point of view is my beloved Shumai. 

I know my Shumai better than anyone else in this killing game. I know the kind of stuff he liked, the types of clothes he prefers to wear, and sometimes, I could even predict his words before they even came out of his mouth! I know... I'm so smart.


Of course, everyone believes him. Kaito yells at me, saying how there's no way Gonta is the culprit. Shuichi however, is pondering my words, knowing that it is a possibility.

Shumai agrees with me, and now, Kaito's mad. How ironic.

"He's just trying to split us up!" Kaito shouts. "Shuichi! Open your eyes!"

The class splits into two and a scrum debate occurs. It's no surprise that Shuichi's side (aka my side) won the debate. Shuichi proves that Gonta could have killed Miu, but Kaito doesn't believe him and continues to deny everything.

Kaito starts to yell. He yells at me, and I yell back. For some reason, Kaito's anger is then turned on poor Shuichi. Shuichi is clearly upset and isn't comfortable with Kaito's volume.

I wait for Shuichi to step in, for him to make a clever remark, for him to produce evidence that proves that Gonta's guilty, but he doesn't. I turn to look at him, and I realize that something's wrong.

Shuichi's posture is always immaculate. His back is always straight, with his shoulders back and his head usually down (because my poor beloved has social anxiety). His golden eyes never stare into the eyes of anyone else, but if you look at them closely, you can see that they twinkle and glimmer with boundless curiosity—I love that look in his eyes. And whenever he was in the presence of people, he would always put on a shy, but polite smile that always gave me butterflies.

But not today.

Shuichi's eyes are glazed over, unfocused, and there isn't any hint of a smile on his face. There's a hunch in his shoulders, curling his body into a C. It's not a Shuichi-shape. Shuichi's movements should always be graceful, but instead, they're sluggish and lazy.

Shuichi's tip-tapping away at his Monopad, going through the evidence and thinking. Or, at least, that's what I think he's doing. Shuichi's hands grip the side of his podium. His face is white, his arms are shaking and he's breathing heavily. He groans, clutching his head gently. He sways and his eyes droop.

"KAITO SHUT UP!" I yell. But it's too late.

Shuichi collapses. He falls off his podium. And because our podiums are always one foot above the ground, it takes a short while before he lands on the floor with a loud thud.

"SIDEKICK!" Kaito shouts in panic. I'm panicking too. This is bad. We need Shuichi for these trials!

Why did he just collapse like that? Why did he have to faint in the middle of a class trial? Is he going to be ok? WHAT'S GOING ON?!

Kaito POV

Shuichi and I, are like complete opposites. I'm loud, extroverted and strong; Shuichi's quiet, introverted and smart. I like going out, running around and getting all pumped up and sweaty. Shuichi hates getting sweaty, he says it makes him feel all icky. The sun, after prolonged exposure, burns Shuichi's skin. Shuichi prefers to stay inside and read boring ol' books all day long.

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