What If...- Part 2

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What If... Kiibo objected?

(From: Always Giving, Always Losing)

There was a lot to do to prepare for a wedding. The venue had to be selected, the invitations had to be sent out, the catering, the outfits, everything. Kiibo had never attended a wedding in his life, so he was taken aback at just how much work had to be done. There was no way he was going to let the still-recovering Shuichi take care of everything, so he offered to help.

So here he was, with Ei, Ikuto, Kokona and Mikoto, helping them choose their bridesmaid (brides-butler for Ikuto) dresses while Maki and Shuichi tried on their wedding outfits. The group had gone through half the store and still couldn't make a proper decision. Kiibo had just ended up becoming a clothing rack, something that Ei would just throw things at.

Kiibo didn't know much about fashion, he had already bought a nice simple suit for the wedding. He didn't understand why Ei and her friends couldn't make a proper choice, all the clothes in the shop were all great.

As he waited, Kiibo looked to his right and soon found himself staring at Shuichi. He was standing on a circular dais and checking himself out in the mirror as he tried on suits. He was currently wearing a gorgeous satin suit that fit him perfectly. From the smile on his pale face, Kiibo knew that Shuichi had made his choice.

The android didn't know this, but as he stared at the man he loved, his eyes softened and his lips parted. He couldn't look away anymore. 

"He's beautiful..." whispered Kiibo to himself. He smiled softly.

"What was that Kiibo?" Ei's voice said. Kiibo jolted awake from his trance.

"H-Huh?! What?! Oh, i-it's nothing!" 

Ei looked at Kiibo with a suspicious face. She then shrugged and went back to looking at dresses.

"My god Ei! Just choose a dress already! It's not that hard!"

. . .

Pretty flowers fell from the sky as a hot-air balloon floated by. Ribbons of white, gold and black fluttered on their poles. The moon shined brightly, providing love and shine to this joyous occasion. It was a perfect night to have a wedding.

A pleasant breeze from the north rustled in the surrounding shrubs, cooling the guests and family members as they took their seats on either side of the walk leading to the gazebo. Sweet strains of classical music drifted through the crowd. The area was filled with nothing but smiles.

It was a huge venue. A big garden filled with beautiful flowers and elegant lamps. There weren't many guests, but that didn't matter.

The music stopped, and all heads turned to face the far end of the walk. The opening to the bridal chorus started to play. Down the aisle, she came. Maki wore a strapless slim wedding gown with embroidery on her bodice. Rhinestones and pearl beads were sewn on her gown. She also wore a two-tier veil, with a matching crystal headpiece. She held a French rose silk bouquet. She walked alone but seemed to have no problem with it, smiling at her husband-to-be as she reached the bottom step. There awaiting her were the pastor and her beloved: Shuichi Saihara. He was stunning. He wore a black, single-breasted, satin tuxedo with golden details and a white-wing collar shirt. As he admired his bride, he couldn't help but beam, blissfully ignorant of the many eyes on them.

Even though Ei tried to calm him down, Kiibo was a nervous wreck the entire time. He bit his fake nails and tugged his hair.

"If anyone," the officiator said. "Wishes to object to the marriage of this lovely couple, speak now or forever hold your tongue."

Just as everyone suspected, there was silence. Maki and Shuichi continued to smile at each other as they held hands.

Kiibo bit his nail so hard it broke and he had to spit it out. He was so close to losing everything. He was so close to losing Shuichi.

Professor Idabashi had told Kiibo many times that love was the best feeling a human could feel. Kiibo didn't understand it before, but he did now. He loved Shuichi and he couldn't bear to see him taken away.

Kiibo then did something he would later regret.

Just as the officiator was about to move on, Kiibo opened his mouth.


Everyone gasped as they looked around, trying to see who said it. Shuichi and Maki turned in that direction too, Maki looking furious and bloodthirsty while Shuichi looked shocked and hurt.


Kiibo was shocked too, just as much as everyone else. The perfect wedding had been ruined, all thanks to him. Kiibo didn't know what to do next, so he just let whatever was controlling him take over.

He shoved the pillow of rings to the person standing next to him, marched up to the wedding aisle and snatched Shuichi away.

"Kiibo!" Maki shouted, her face red with anger. "What the hell are you doing?!

Kiibo just started running, dragging Shuichi along with him, leaving behind an audience of astounded guests and a heartbroken and crying bride. Ei and her friends could only watch in shock, their jaws hanging open, as the groom was taken away.

Shuichi was crying as they ran. He was shouting too, begging for an explanation and asking what was wrong. Kiibo couldn't reply.

I'm sorry Shuichi. I'm sorry I ruined your wonderful wedding. I want you to be happy, I really do... just not with her.

Sorry this chapter is really short

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