The Entity Lives On

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Poppy Playtime x Danganronpa V3- Part 3

How long had it been...? How long had he been sleeping? Actually, sleeping was the wrong term.

His body may have been unresponsive, and his eyes may have been closed, but Shuichi Saihara was definitely not sleeping. He had been wide awake the whole time, trapped within the depths of his own mind.

It was paradise and it was hell. For so long, he had been trapped in a desolate abyss; a pitch-black void, as if in the centre of a black hole. He could think, and he could see (not that there was anything to see), but he could not feel. It was as if he was floating, lying down on air, drifting along the river of nothingness. Despite all of this, he retained his rationality. Unfortunately, not even he was able to maintain all of his sanity.

It remained that way for a while, at least, that was what it felt like to him. He was unaware of how much time had passed. The realization eventually dawned on him that in his mind, he was God. This reality was one that he could change to his will. So, he began creating things to amuse himself. He searched through his memories, only to find nothing.

This carried on for a long, long time. To him, it felt like an eternity. 

He was a quick learner. In a matter of minutes, his mind had become his most powerful weapon and his most formidable defence. He managed to retain his sharp wits and his intellect. He soon made another amazing discovery. A certain creature was connected to his soul, a creature that shared his thoughts, his mind, and, therefore, his will. This creature was unique, diverse, and possessed useful quirks that could be used to his advantage. Using his original body as a sort of hive-mind, he ordered the creature to split his body parts into small, camouflaging blobs that could act as spying bugs. By sending these blobs to the outside world, he was able to watch as the humans evolved. He knew how they acted, how they thought, how their society worked, everything. There was no secret that was safe from his careful gaze and analysis.

But things started to change. People were here, small humans had arrived and his loyal slime began acting on his own, pursuing his own goals. He had no issue with this, for their minds were one, and therefore, their objectives were the same. 

Finally, he had been freed. He could feel the change as soon as the lock on his case had been blasted. He could feel his nerves activating, he could feel the power coursing through his veins, he could feel as his mind finally reconnected with his body. 

The world around him was one of pure fiction, a reality constructed from his own thoughts. The trees had leaves of wondrous colours, plants grew taller than his child-like body and cool breezes whispered lullabies to him as they tangled themselves in his long hair. The bright white moon, reflected off the glowing waterfalls, crystals glowed all on their own, and small orbs of light floated around the forest, playing hide and seek with the butterflies. Shuichi was in the middle of all this, his floating body in a position of eternal meditation with one leg dangling down. 

As he allowed his consciousness to slip away, he reminisced. He loved this place; it was his very own Plane of Euthymia. Perhaps he would visit again. But now, a new world, or an old one, awaited him.

He was unconscious on the cold stone floor for several minutes. Only after that did the changes start to appear. He groaned quietly with annoyance as a black substance from his neck began to inch up to his cheeks. His finger twitched, and his whole body jerked. As his eyes snapped open, tendrils and tentacles of solid slime erupted from his body; chaos and destruction wreaked havoc on the room he resided in as Shuichi awakened. But, the Perpetuity Chamber remained unscathed.


This is really disappointing considering the time I took to write this. I low-key stared at the screen trying to think of ideas on what to write next, but my mind was just empty (oof)

I think I'm going to discontinue the series/leave it on a cliffhanger.

A random quote that I wanted to use but never got the chance to:

"I didn't NEED a statue OR a shrine, I NEEDED HELP!"

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