He Is The Entity

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Poppy Playtime x Danganronpa V3, but with my own twist

Please note: I don't know the exact date when V3 was born, so in this AU, everyone was born in the early 2000s. Let's just say Shuichi was born in 2006 (maybe he's a bit younger than the rest of V3 since, in Danganronpa, age isn't very relevant)

Four teenagers (technically 3 teenagers since one's a robot) ran with great haste down the path. Behind them, the building they once resided within was crumbling to pieces. Debris rained down and dust filled their lungs, making them cough. Their panic and fear only increased as everything suddenly collapsed around them. For a while, it seemed that all hope was lost, until one yelled over the noise and pointed.


There was a hole between all the rock and glass. It was small but just big enough for them to squeeze through. The group immediately headed for the hole. 3 of them stayed on the ground, screaming in fear as huge boulders fell beside them, meanwhile the last one took to the skies and dodged with ease. They had to get there as fast as possible, but it was difficult dodging all the chaos behind them. Eventually, they made it. But, perhaps, they were too slow.

The hole was even smaller now thanks to all the rocks and the group had no choice but to waste precious seconds pushing it all away. When they did, they quickly squeezed through the crack to safety.

It was so close; freedom was a mere step away. But unfortunately, fate had other plans. One person had just managed to go through when the ground shook. The buildings began to fall even faster than before and panic quickly took hold of everyone's minds. One person out of the group, an intelligent young man, acted quickly. What was preventing all of them from going through the hole all at once was a mountain of large rocks. The boy kicked the bottom of the pile, which happened to be a small rock, and in the small amount of time that the rocks parted, he shoved his friends out, in doing so, sacrificing himself as even more rocks covered the hole immediately. 

His friends screamed his name as he desperately looked around for another escape, but to no avail. He was doomed. The last thing his crying friends heard was his final scream of agony as he died.

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