You Knew

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"What The Hell Did You Do?!"- Prequel

Note: The chapter "What the Hell Did You Do?!" is only a representation of Izuru's overprotectiveness.

Izuru, the God of The Gods, stared up at the shimmering ball before him, his eyes wide. He felt surprised, wonder and excitement; emotions he hadn't felt ever since the beginning of eternity.

The sphere of magic, glittering and glowing like a thousand diamonds, slowly floated towards Izuru's hands, but never really touched them. It spun in a quick little circle, almost playfully, and stayed levitating in the air. Izuru's magic had always been red or black, it was the colour of his soul. However, Izuru's creation, the orb of light, was white; gold.

The blinding light dispersed, revealing a strange little creature with tiny limbs, curled up into a little ball. It fell into Izuru's arms and the god couldn't help but poke it with cautiousness and curiosity.

Something that was supposed to be impossible had been accomplished. A god had been born from another god.

Gods are unique celestial beings, born from natural phenomenons. Gods are not like mortals. They are not born and do not grow, but they are summoned when the world requires their presence to manage a particular dominion. Sonia, the Goddess of the Earth, was born from an accumulation of dew from a rose garden. Nagito, the God of Luck and Fate, was summoned when a wisp of cloud mixed with white sea foam. Mukuro and Junko, the twin Gods of Darkness and Death, emerged from a meteorite that fell from the other side of the moon.

Not this little thing. This strange mortal-like entity suddenly emerged, destroying all that Izuru knew to be true.

At first, Izuru was aghast, initially believing that he had created a mortal being. But upon closer inspection, Izuru could feel the powerful presence of magic flowing through the boy's veins. There wasn't a single drop of dirty human blood in the boy's system, and that made Izuru glad.

The baby had stopped glowing. Now, it was wailing loudly. Pearly drops of tears fell out of his eyes as he bawled, falling onto the ground on Izuru's sky castle with small plinks. Immediately, Izuru was able to diagnose what was causing his baby so much pain.

Magic is a powerful, but dangerous thing. Gods are only able to wield magic because when they are summoned into the world, they will be gifted with resilient bodies that can withstand the energy. A child, no matter human or god, simply does not possess the strength to properly house magic.

If magic flowed through a mortal child, it would perish immediately. It was similar to the situation of Izuru's son. The boy wouldn't die, as his constitution allowed magic to flow through it a bit easier, but since it was a newborn and was still too weak, the mana within him would cause him only pain.

Not to mention that Izuru's "son" had quite a bit of mana inside him; A LOT of mana; a HUGE abundance of mana.

The baby was still crying loudly, and it's body started burning hot. Huge cracks of black and gold spread across the palace, ruining the floor, and walls, and causing the palace to shake.

Izuru pressed his hand on the baby's forehead and quickly sucked him dry of his magic. The baby finally stopped crying and the cracks fixed themselves. It opened it's eyes, revealing a pretty pair of golden orbs.

Izuru found himself unable to look away from his creation. It made strange noises, reaching its puny arms up and smacking Izuru in the nose.

Izuru used magic to lift the baby up higher. The child, having no idea what the sparkles were, giggled happily as he tried to catch them. Eventually, it got tired and it's eyes went droopy. The red aura of Izuru's magic was converted into gold and the baby floated itself into Izuru's arms.

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