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Memories, Colours- Part 3

1. There is no smut in this chapter, but it is implied. However, there is some slight lemon

2. Prepare for another rare ship because Shuichi is, like, one of the most shippable characters in Danganronpa

It's hard making the characters as canon as possible. I had to read every free time event and watch analysis videos (and I still did a shitty job)

Hajime had that strange dream again. The water in the lake turned to blood, the sun dropped from the sky and the flowers wilted. It seriously bothered him.

When Hajime opened his eyes, the first and only thing he could see was white. That was how he knew that he was in the hospital.

Shuichi... Where's Shuichi...?

Hajime's face was covered in a strangely shaped shadow and two eyes came into his vision. Hajime was still slightly concussed, so everything was still blurry to him.

"Chiaki...?" Hajime whispered groggily. As his vision slowly cleared, Hajime was met with disappointment.

"Yeah, sorry," Nagito said, smiling. "Still a dude."

"Hey, Nagito..." Hajime groaned as he got up. He looked to his right and saw Shuichi sleeping in the bed beside him, with his cherished hat laying on his stomach, fixed. Hajime tried to get up to go to him, but Nagito stopped him. "How long have I been asleep for?"

"3 days."

"3 DAYS?!" Hajime screamed. "THAT LONG?! WAS I REALLY THAT INJURED?!"

"Nope," Nagito said. "Your injuries were pretty light and your body healed after a day. You just refused to wake up afterwards. Kazuichi thought you died."

"O-Oh..." Hajime said. He wasn't sure how to respond to that. His head automatically turned to stare at Shuichi. Shuichi was sleeping soundly, his hair a mess all over his pillow. His mouth was slightly open, allowing air in and out. The sight calmed Hajime. Shuichi was ok.

"Is Fuyuhiko angry at Shuichi?" Hajime asked quietly. "Do they... think of him as a monster...?"

"You'd be surprised to hear this..." Nagito chuckled as he gazed at Shuichi's sleeping figure. "But, no. No one hates him. In fact, they pity him."

"Pity him?" Hajime asked. "For what?"

"A lot can change in 3 days, Hajime," Nagito said. The tone of his voice changed, becoming deeper and more ominous.

"Explain." Hajime demanded. Something was wrong, he knew that. Nagito just smiled and handed him a file. When Hajime opened it, his expression changed and his olive eyes went wide with horror.

"Sonia found this in the library," Nagito told him. He wasn't smiling anymore. "They're records... of the two killing games, before ours."

Hajime flipped through the first few pages. There were a bunch of people that Hajime didn't recognise. Apparently, Byakuya was a killing game survivor. He had put on a lot of weight, perhaps due to depression. It's a shame that he died.

Hajime made a note of this, but this new information didn't mean much to him. This wasn't important. Shuichi's what matters. What does Shuichi have anything to do with this?

Hajime flipped the page again, now reading the records of the second killing game. He read the dates and turns out that this killing game started the same exact time as theirs, but it ended much sooner. Hajime's eyes went down to read the list of participants. All of them had translucent pink splodges all over their portraits, symbolising their deaths—all except one picture that was left perfect and clean

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