King of Mean

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I'm so tired of pretending

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I'm so tired of pretending

Where's my happy ending?

Shuichi wept to himself in the darkness of his room. He didn't want to go out anymore. It's not like there's anything good waiting for him outside the safety of his room.

I followed all the rules

I drew inside the lines

I never asked for anything that wasn't mine

I waited patiently for my time

But when it finally came

They called her name

Shuichi cared for them so much. Everything he did was for their sakes. For the first time in his life, he believed he had finally been accepted for who he was. He thought that he had found his family. What a lie...

One measly piece of fake evidence. That was all it took for them to turn on him.

And now I feel this overwhelming pain

I mean it's in my veins

I mean it's in my brain

My thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train

I'm kinda like a perfect picture with a broken frame

I know exactly who to blame

Shuichi had shed enough tears for these ungrateful monsters.

He got up and went to his window. He parted the thick curtains, just a little so that he wasn't noticed.

He glared down at the evil girl that had framed him. She was smiling and chatting with the others, acting as if she wasn't the one behind all of their suffering.

Shuichi knew the truth now. He had evidence too. But who would believe him?

I never thought of myself as mean

I always thought that I'd be the king

And there's no in between

'Cause if I can't have that

Then I would be the leader of the dark and the bad

Shuichi Saihara OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now