We Are The Entity

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Poppy Playtime x Danganronpa

It wasn't even the next day when Leni, Rinta, Kohiga and Douwake woke up. They had only gotten a few hours of sleep when a loud noise snapped them awake. The first thing they saw when their eyes opened was a tall male staring right at them. The man had pale, almost vampiric skin, white hair and the coldest icy blue eyes anyone could ever lay their eyes on.

While everyone sat up in confusion, wondering who this mysterious stranger was, Leni sprang to her feet and bowed down politely. The man eyed her all over, then smiled and nodded back. 

"A Saihara shrine maiden huh," he said, his voice surprisingly high-pitched. "You seem to be well-versed in my teachings. Good."

Leni smiled and kept bowing down, eyes closed.

"You may rise now." the stranger instructed. Leni did as she was told. It took a while for Kohiga's brain cells to finally piece everything together.


"He's levelled up. Damn."

"THAT'S KIIBO?" Rantaro yelled in shock as he admired Kiibo's humanoid features.

"GAWD DAYUM!" Miu whistled.

"He's hotter than me!" Kaito shouted.

"Kaito, almost everyone is hotter than you."

"Does this mean he has a dick now?"

The white-haired vampire stranger nodded. 

"What was with all the bowing?" Douwake asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Shrine maiden rules," Leni explained. "'One can bow or nod politely to others, but one must never kneel to anyone that isn't Shuichi-sama'"

Kiibo nodded and smiled softly before saying: "It's always nice to meet a dedicated shrine maiden. I recognize you from the online reports I've been sent. You're Leni Kaeritai, the new aspiring shrine maiden."

"That's me." Leni was on cloud nine. First, she was finally hired to be a shrine maiden, second of all, she got to meet K1B0 himself in the flesh... or metal. Best one-day-before-birthday EVER!

Kiibo glanced around the dark, gloomy school. He raised his humanoid hand and gently moved his fingers across an old table. There was not a single speck of dust. His eyes then went cold again and he glared at every single one of them.

"You guys shouldn't be here," he said. He pointed to a blasted wall (the one he blasted in order to get inside). "For your own safety, you must leave, now!"

Douwake was just about to say something when Rinta stepped in.

"No!" she said. "We can't leave now. There's so much mystery here, and we've only uncovered 10% of it."

"Foolish child. Do you have a death wish or something?" Kiibo spat out. "Are you aware that there are monstrous things roaming these halls?"

"We do know!" Kohiga said. "We met that blob thing ("Mr Blob!" Rinta said happily) a while back."

"But it was kind!" Douwake said, finally standing up. "Sure it made us play a few games, but every time things got dangerous it saved us. It's just playful, not aggressive!"

Anger burned in Kiibo's icy eyes. If one were to look close enough, they would be able to see slight confusion. The android held his hand out and gestured towards Kohiga's bags.

"The papers," he said. "You found them here. Give it to me."

Kohiga obliged, but only because Leni silently told him to. Kiibo quickly scanned the reports and stored the photographs in his memory drive. His eyes grew softer and his face melted with concern as he read the reports.

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